The early Biden report card. And it ain't pretty

Right? The poor are always the ones who get hammered hardest by the left.

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That would be magical if he managed to do that. Californians are hopelessly indoctrinated. The democratic party is like their own little version of scientology. They can’t or won’t escape it.

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Unsure how you can say we are going backwards. More vaccinations. Less death.


It’s fever dreams. That’s how.

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I asked you this. This is harder to spin.

Each month we are being swarmed with hundreds of thousands of border crashers, human traffickers, drug dealers, Covid carriers and everything imaginable. This makes the Obama cages look like summer camp.

But covid deaths are down under biden are they not…

That’s a fact not spin.


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You’re not gonna touch this are you?

Each month we are being swarmed with hundreds of thousands of border crashers, human traffickers, drug dealers, Covid carriers and everything imaginable. This makes the Obama cages look like summer camp.

So I have to Address your points but you don’t address mime.

Let’s face it your report card has a huge bias.


Understatement of the decade.

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Ok. After I reply, keep your word. Don’t lock into the Covid thing. A reply is a reply. Here it is. Two months ago, Biden said remove your masks if vacinated. Now Biden is saying mask up no matter what. That is not progress. People are not happy with going back to masking. I agree that he should boast about he well he has handled Covid. For some reason, he has not. We both know why. Now. Your turn.

Each month we are being swarmed with hundreds of thousands of border crashers, human traffickers, drug dealers, Covid carriers and everything imaginable. This makes the Obama cages look like summer camp.

Is he doing a great job with this?

Immigration is problematic.

C- right now.

He had to clean up trump mess.

He had to undo executive orders.

Biden will get it under control.



210,000 thousand illegal border crashers every month. That’s not average. Check the stats. That’s a full fledged ■■■■ show. Everyone who has anything to do with border security will confirm this.

He cleaned up the Trump mess? By turning 41,000 border crashers into 210,000?

If you think that 210,000 border crashers is average, how many would it take to be considered to be poor? 500 thousand? 1 million?


Where are the facts to back that ridiculous claim.


All the presidents have been stimulating the economy with money non stop since the Great Recession. At some point economists like Larry Summers could be proved correct that it’s over stimulated and inflation might be here to stay.

Few presidents survive through inflation if it persists.

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Have you found anything positive?

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They have not been negated as much as they should be with a vaccine.

This may very well be the most incompetent president in my lifetime.

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Certainly not a straight ‘F’ report card.

J’Biden completely ■■■■ the bed in A-Stan, has invited a Covid infected horde of illegals to crash the southern border and that moron is on the tele now whining about kids getting vaccinated and wearing masks in school?


Doesn’t surprise me that you give your guy a complete and total pass for everything. While blaming the other guy completely.

Biden can do no wrong… am I right?

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