The early Biden report card. And it ain't pretty

Well according to Tom Biden deserves straight A’s while Trump deserves straight F’s. Why am I not surprised that those on the left find zero fault with Biden?

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Biden LIED about mask ban…no such thing…mandates not masks.

The pathology to lie with Biden is on full display.

I didn’t give grade to Biden. I simply said trump get F minus.

So one can compare and contrast what were Trump’s approval ratings?

That can only mean that Trump gets a F- for not building the wall.

Was that a typo that there has been 210,000,000 illegal border crashers every month? If it wasn’t a typo where are the 210 million people coming from?

Here are two: Trump is no longer president and the USA’s allies now have a USA president who is more trustworthy that the previous one.

It’s bad and the fact that it’s coming out that there is and estimated 15,000-30,000 US citizens behind Taliban lines is inexcusable. Even the incoming German Chancellor is calling this the biggest stain upon NATO since it’s founding.


Trumps approval ratings were bad, read my post I said at this point Biden will be joining him. While 46% might be better than the orange menace it’s still bad and seems to be going in one direction. Another poll has 80% of respondents blame Biden for inflation.



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Can we give like a Z or something to the Biden disaster…

It’s going to take Americans a long time to put out the dumpster fire that is the presidency of Joe Biden under the guidance of a bunch of hard left socialists.


Your lib economic policies aren’t all that great. The experiments in universal basic income are leaving millions of jobs unfilled. The country is facing trillions in new debt and Biden’s inflation is outpacing any wage gains people might be experiencing…

All the people who said that inflation was temporary seem to be making it more permanent…


It’s comical that you keep using that label as though you think it’s an insult. :stuck_out_tongue:


There was no Trump mess to clean up. Biden said during the campaign our country could absorb 2 million illegals and that seems to be exactly what his administration is doing. It’s a fricking disaster of Joe Biden’s creation courtesy of stupid executive action and a policy if completely ignoring the crisis he created. It’s ridiculous to say Biden will fix anything…he broke it and has shown zip zero nada interest in fixing his mistakes. He’s created a national security crisis, a health crisis, a drug crisis, and a human trafficking crisis.


And that’s your defense? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Someone taking money of your back pocket and putting into your hand is not economic stimulus.

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Its cute how you guys have your own made up lore about those you politically disagree with.

Trump got you a vaccine. What’s his grade?

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No, it’s straight Fs. We’re not grading on the curve in this classroom.

Just following the rules you guys established four and a half years ago. :wink: