The dangerous Blue Anon movement

The only reason I have to hear anything about Qanon is the left complaining about it. Do liberals really think this is some significant faction of Republicans, instead of a few people playing around in some sites of the internet that most people don’t even go? Has the media really convinced the left of that?


Oh good the trolling neo-Nazi.

Also did it really take this long to come up with the pun “Blue-Anon?”

No can do, I take responsibility for my own opinions and actions. Learned that from some political group that said it a lot but never actually did it in practice.

The one who ran down peaceful protestors with his car and killed one.


Which is why I sign my posts.

It is my intellectual property.

For better of worse.


No actually he said it as a throwaway line right before the “fine people” comment.

His sentence construction was pretty much as follows:

“Yeah the neo-Nazis should be condemned BUT…”

News flash…in rhetoric, when you phrase something as “I condemn A BUT B”?

You are weakening everything that came before the “BUT”. Because what comes after the “BUT” is interpreted in listeners as excusing what it was you were supposedly making a strong statement against before the “BUT”.

That’s how it works.

Which is why when you want to make a strong statement about something, you do it in an unqualified manner.

Words mean things. How words are delivered also means things.

When you ignore the latter, you are doing that thing that was supposedly so evil and wrong during Bill Clinton’s presidency.

You are parsing.

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■■■■■■■■■ Here you are 3 years ago showing the OP what Qanon is about

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After the sacking of the Capitol by Republican Trump supporters trying to stop the certification of the electoral college and overturn an election, Republican polling on a favorable view of the Q belief system had cratered and 30% of Republicans still have a favorable view. I kind of see it mixing and supplanting Evangelical Christianity in many places.

I looked for the Blue Anon website and couldn’t find it hurr durrr.

You were there that day?

And history will remain to be history without statues paying tribute to traitors.

The majority of the statues that are “part of history” were erected after the Civil War and the collapse of Reconstruction and the ushering in of Jim Crow as monuments to white supremacy and initimidatikn of the local population.

No loss there taking them down.

No my friend. What I showed was an example of a source showing the classified information that was released. The release of this information was very important because it proved what I said in my drip, drip, drip thread. It had nothing to do with the source but rather my conclusions of what I said, almost a year earlier…being confirmed. Now…just like I said, they read my material, not the other way around but thanks for the walk down memory lane. :sunglasses:

It was a Q anon video since taken down due to outright lies. Then throughout the thread you display a knowledge of Q and even tell other posters that they are misinformed about what Q believes

Really? Maybe more accurately the shepherds removed it because they wanted to feed you something other than the truth? :wink:

That’s ok though…you’ve got me. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

No, it was because it was lies. You then go on to show that you know exactly what Q is and chastise other posters for misrepresenting what Q believes in

Is this a test? Can we all play? Conservatives love being tested by liberals!


So why the continued act that you don’t know who Q is when there isn’t one person here that’s buying it

It’s already been released and it proved that Comey, Hillary, Loretta, Brennan, Lynch…all colluded to exonerate Hillary and come up with the bull feces you were fed, swallowed and regurgibleated, allowing them to create after the election…the Mueller Investigation. It amazes me how far smart people can actually drift from reality.

Physician, heal thyself