The dangerous Blue Anon movement

I wasn’t reading breitbart. Try again.

Just admit that you did as much as the fake news profiteers in spreading everything Q.

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I thought you’d responded to me, my mistake.

Yeah this is my fault a huge percentage of your party has fully enthusiastically embraced QAnon nonsense. Lol.

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Hey… I just realized that the OP was a Jack Posobiec tweet… complaining about conspiracy theories… that is just way too rich.

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It’s ok. You now have the Blue Anon to blame for your transgressions, so all is well.

Obviously not. Most don’t know that shortly after saying there were fine people on both sides Trump said he wasn’t talking about white supremacists, antifa,etc. (same speech)

The “fine” dishonest media edited that part out.

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On the side of White Supremacists and neo Nazis… there were not fine people.

…and I was one of those that did not want our historical statues obliterated and just torn down. In libs eyes, that makes me a white supremacist? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Ooooooooops…there it is? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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The Unite the Right Rally made sure that the statue was going to be taken down.

Before that… the city leadership was going to keep it up.

What fine people were at the “Unite the Right” rally?

History is history and should not be torn down by a bunch of low class thugs.

Guess i’m in the same boat huh?

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I agree. My P-anon is much better.

Yeah…I know. The same leaders that canceled their right to protest and then herded them into the awaiting ANTIFA/BLM crowds that came with shields and clubs to purposefully commit acts of violence…all while feeding the sheople that only one side was there…which was the lie, Trump exposed…that’s still being regurgibleated by you…amirite? :sunglasses:


They push the narrative whether it is true or not. :roll_eyes:

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Historians that didn’t want the statues torn down or removed.

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It is a little more complicated than that.

I recently read this book

Cry Havoc by Michael Signer | Hachette Book Group

by the former mayor of Charlottesville. It is a very frustrating book and might as well be titled “how this isn’t my fault” … but what I didn’t know was that the police did not coordinate with the State Police at all and one of the biggest mistakes wasn’t that they didn’t separate the crowds but that they didn’t separate their parking. So the “Unite the Right” people and the counter protesters parked in the same place.

That is one of the things that ignited the tinderbox.

I believe Signer when he says that they tried really hard to avoid the violence… and the Unite the Right guys were there to do violence… but there were systematic failures that led to tragedy.

There were no historians at the Unite the Right Rally.

Notice how the two sides are framed? One uses every negative adjective to describe them while the other is not pointed out that they were groups that have committed historical acts of violence, arson, looting and destruction. Now just stop my friend. It’s puuuuure sheople food.

During the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville in August 2017, far-right, white-nationalist militias chanting “Jews will not replace us” clashed with counterprotesters over the planned remove of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

…zat what you were fed? Don’t forget to burp. :sunglasses: