The dangerous Blue Anon movement

It’s true. There are libs on this very board who are more versed in Qanon conspiracies than the most ardent cons. Some even knew who the Q shaman was on first sight. Most cons were like, “Ok, who’s the goofy dude with the Buffalo hat?”

Don’t shoot the messenger. It’s not my fault you guys keep up with who’s Q more than we do.


I rest my case.


Just because you don’t know where your talking points are coming from because the Daily Caller or Daily Wire or whatever were picking them up off the big Q influencers like Joe M and Jordan Sather and reprinting them without mentioning that doesn’t mean you aren’t repeating Q conspiracies.

I am evidence of what GWH just posted just as he probably is too?

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Yep… a few years ago I saw that my old college roommate who is a pretty libertarian Mormon start to post Stefan Molyneaux videos… and this was before Molyneaux went full on white nationalist… but I had to clue him in on how dangerous the dude actually is.

Thankfully my old roommate is a pretty reasonable guy.

You repeat Q without even knowing you’re doing it based on the videos you choose to watch to get your “news”.

Que the rest of the libs to school cons on everything Q, proving my point, while ignoring their own movement to spread fake propaganda that has been cleverly labeled Blue Anon.


The guy with the painted face and buffalo hat was a Q anon leader? Yep…I wasn’t aware.

I never heard of these guys or 4 Chan, or 8 Chan until schooled by libs on this forum about them.

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Whenever I see a “conservative” post something from Mark Dice… I just shake my head.

The guy intentionally hides his insane bigotry behind a thin patina of culture war nonsense.

And it works a lot of the time.

As I’ve mentioned before, my journey towards learning all this stuff began with The Last Jedi lol and some actual sympathy towards those sad ass incel kids.

No my friend. If there’s any merit to what you posted, Q is reading my posts.

Once I leave Hannity Land this morning, I work, work, work. The reason I’m here right now is a break from the intensity of working car auctions first thing in the morning where one mistake…costs thousands of dollars. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Well now you know and knowing is half the battle.

And besides if you were reading Breitbart you were reading chan board ■■■■ anyway.


No… he is just a smooth brained dude who found a small measure of celebrity and meaning inside of a marginalized in group.

…and thanks to Bill this morning, we were introduced to Blue Anon. :wink: :tumbler_glass:

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You have no idea where I get my news. Hint, it ain’t from Facebook.

I get my news from Forbes, Wallstreet journal, CNN, and local news outlets, mostly. And yes, I watch the bias float by on the scroll daily.

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Dude…you already admitted a long time ago on these boards where you get your “news”.

It wasn’t so long ago that people have forgotten.

As a matter of fact, I’ve pm’d you on several occasions asking your epidemiological opinion of science journals. Not from “Q”. Don’t come at me with that garbage.

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I knooooow…rite? :sunglasses:

Hey, hey, hey…this is his news station. :sunglasses:
