The dangerous Blue Anon movement

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Perhaps they realized that banning the term was making it more newsworthy.

Can’t you at least come up with some other topic for a thread.

Then a made up movement of leftists.

There is no blue anon.

Never has been never will.

There are many pressing issues on the day.

The blue anon threat is a non issue.


Blue Anon is just a name for an unnamed movement that has existed for many years.

The hoaxes and left-wing conspiracy theories have long been the staple of the mainstream media. House Democrats even brought up their own fine-people hoax in the impeachment trial as evidence against Trump. The response from Trump’s lawyer may be the first time that many viewers pf CNN or MSNBC had ever realized that the fine-people narrative was a lie.

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IOW…the sheople are oblivious to their sheoplization…amirite? :sunglasses:

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This wasn’t actually a hoax. Everyone knows what Trump said. Most people on the left believe that if you protest removing statues at an event that was set up by White Supremist they you might as well be part of them.

Everyone knows what the sheople were fed and regurgibleated but that doesn’t make it the truth…but say it so I can get a laugh first thing this morning, orange man baaa, baaa, baaad. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Blue states?

Wouldn’t a sheople be someone who posts the same thing over and over and over, ect?


The BBC debunked the fine-people hoax with a quick check of the transcript:

During the same press conference, Mr Trump went on to say “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.”

Blue Anon has a cult-like adherence to myths and false narratives. The danger comes with these lies are used as an excuse to suppress political opponents.

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Yes…I’m very consistent and glad you noticed. I’ll take that as a compliment. Thanks. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

How do you like this? A news anchor quit because her industry has evolved from neutral reporting, to becoming the shepherds that sheoplize people. My friend, what I’ve said over and over is now being revealed so much, that even you should be able to see this truth? Can you?

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The Unite the Right Rally was explicitly for White Nationalists and Neo Nazis. It was organized for White Nationalists, by White Nationalists, featuring White Nationalist speakers for the cause of advancing White Nationalism.

There were no “good” people on the side of Nazis.

I love looking at who gave “likes” to ridiculous posts. It makes me chuckle when sheople reveal themselves.

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Funny. There were plenty of cons unfamiliar with Qanon until libs started promoting their ideas.

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I’m proud to say i dumped Google on my computer and phone a good while back in favor of duckduckgo. :grin: :+1:t2:

Well they weren’t a mainstream movement until about eighteen months ago. They’ve only been around for four years total. And Republicans didn’t fully embrace them until after Trump lost the election and all the QAnon conspiracy theories about how he was robbed became very attractive.

Libs didn’t do that. And it was actually me on here who started saying, hey, you know this is QAnon propaganda you’re repeating.

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They do try to sucker more mainstream conservatives into their movement by “hiding their power level” (which is hilariously a Japanese anime term) and the libertarian to alt right pipeline is definitely a real thing. Ask Rand Paul.

They don’t even know how it works, it’s written by machine learning, ie computers wrote it. As an example, the machine may have figured out how to identify say people with bipolar disorder and that pushing ads to them during their manic phase results in higher sales. But google can honestly, well semi-honestly say, we didn’t write that.

I had never heard of it. Still don’t really know what it is. But I am sure you and others who “research” sites like that will tell us what it is.