The Coming Anti-COVID Restriction Backlash

I say it’s time to start shocking some people.

Get some of this going on.

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So it’s people gather around before Thanksgiving.

Why not banned offices, buses, planes etc. Anywhere their is group of people in close contact.

BTW…do you get all crazy and throw yourself on other people when you’re drinking?

IMO this is just power hunger pushing their envelop.


College kids home for the holidays? Absolutely!

Not interested in playing theoretical when we have the history of how covid spread through this country. Didn’t involve Chinatown. Didn’t involve Chinese Food.

It’s interesting that of all the people I’ve countered on this topic of repeating trumps “Chinatown” gimmick, they all either accepted it, or simply stopped repeating.

I’ve never seen you use it, but now you’re the one more interested in defending it? Naw. I think you’re just bored.


So banned em from going home.

Yes it did.

Cops can make them get their PT on until they learn.


LOL Germany reopen their brothels…speaking of which. Has cops clamped down on that trade here?

You can’t do that. I’m ok with closing bars early that day. It just makes good sense to limit risky behavior. Besides, it’s much cheaper to drink at home. :beer:

34k deaths in 12 months 2018-2019. That’s around 3k deaths a month.

In 8 months we have had 265k deaths. Or 33k A MONTH.

So we avg more deaths a month with Covid than we did for an entire year with flu in 2018.

Why can’t you do that?

Lot cheaper if you don’t drink at all…why do you drink?

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They tried to send a message to people not to get together this Thanksgiving. It didn’t work. On to plan B.

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Oh yes we can.

So there was a backlash against those restriction.

What makes you think banning alcohol at bars and restaurants will work?

You said it yourself…they will just drink at home, parties etc.

Didn’t work? Thanksgiving already came and went?

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First thing I saw was the appalling amount of litter.

People should get a whack for that.

You see what you libs are doing don’t you? You’re throwing your authority at the wall to see what sticks.


Based on the airline traffic surge…Not really.

Good for the travel sector.