The Coming Anti-COVID Restriction Backlash

As it should. Our elected officials obviously don’t care enough to stay away from crowded celebrations in the streets, hair salons, and lavish dining.

And let’s not forget that it was no big deal in the first place until it became a political weapon. “Come on down to Chinatown!”


Thank you national review for being honest in your analysis.

The ascension of Joe Biden will add force to the reaction. It is an iron law of American politics that whichever party doesn’t control the presidency will suspect the other of plotting to impose a tyranny, so the fear and loathing of COVID restrictions, somewhat muted on the right while Donald Trump was president, will deepen and intensify.


NY Dems busted at packed indoor birthday party without masks, here’s how they reacted when caught | Fox News



People’s proclivity to cut off their noses to spite their faces never ceases to amaze.

You want backlash? See how many people care about the 10 person gathering limit over Thanksgiving. There will probably be a spike in the coming weeks. I’ll admit I’ll be one of those that will ignore it. Going over my aunts house like we always do.


A nation-wide super-spreader event. What could go wrong?

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You know, the more you tell Americans not to do something, they’ll go out of their way to do it. They’ll probably use bully tactics to get people to take the vaccine. All that will accomplish it to strengthen the resolve of those not willing. People already know large gatherings spread everything more, not only Covid.

A better approach would have been education through information and leave it at that. You might get better results. As opposed to encouraging defiance with mandates on gatherings and talk about canceling Thanksgiving.


This is what I keep saying. Governors should strongly encourage masks–calling it a mandate makes people push back automatically.




Ask nicely. :heart:

Too late now.


COVID restriction backlash won’t happen unless they continue with them after next summer. By then the vaccine should be fairly wide spread and there will be little reason to continue them. The DEMs can even claim victory while campaigning for their elections.

Here’s my thinking on it: The mitigations cause hardship. The lockdowns and limitations on business.

Nothing is being done now to mitigate the impact of the mitigations. The one shot in the arm with PPP etc. is long gone. And now the mitigations are being imposed again.

You can’t simply make a rule saying “You can’t do that” without addressing the impact of your rule.

The ruling class is ignoring the impact of their rules. In some cases they are ignoring the rules.

Authoritarian high modernism always has this problem.

It is resentment at being thrown to the wolves. Deep resentment. And when that happens, the backlash tends to be directed at the concept, not specific rules.

And it’s congress’ fault.

The lab coats and pols imposed directives without addressing the negative impact of compliance with the directives.


It’s happening now.

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The backlash I see is coming from people who would never vote democratic and hate democrats. People in the middle are understanding that these are perilous times. However, my governor hasn’t done anything stupid yet although these people have tried to make her look like a Nancy Pelosi for sure.

I was invited to a relatives Thanksgiving dinner that may well have over 10. Many would be school age children who would be attending school. I declined, but then I am over 70, have diabetes, and overweight. I will be having a thanksgiving with three close family members. If I were around 30, I would likely have gone. I can wait to see if the vaccine works out.


I don’t disagree with any of this. Even without lockdowns and mandates, people and businesses are going to struggle economically this winter.

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Probably a good choice. For me it’s mostly people 50-70 attending. I’m not that worried. Lets face it, large indoor crowds have always been a place you can catch something. That shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Keep from doing that and we should be fine. I have reason to believe it is not easily transmitted from surfaces.

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