The Coming Anti-COVID Restriction Backlash

Maybe turkey legs…

Perhaps you should recalibrate for the time she said it instead of using the rear view mirror.

You guys elected a 29 year old left wing bartender to congress and you’re questioning OUR wisdom?


Freedom is a messy thing.

A cool story, bro’.

When my son was about 16, he came to me and said he felt like he was old enough and proven himself enough to be allowed to make more of his own decisions.

I thought about it and agreed. And he did very well.

A while later, I had a surprised planned. He had a paper due. I tried to convince him to make the correct decision without spoiling the surprise. He didn’t take the hints.

I was furious.

My woman laughed and said, “You’re a dumbass. When you agreed to let him make his decisions, you agreed to accept the consequences.”

I hate when she’s right.

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What’s sciency about 5PM?

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5 pm.

I am both ready and prepared for you to educate me.

Those were New York City Democrats, not the same as PA Democrats

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If there was no directive, would you open? You know, as a guy with actual skin in the game. Would you follow the mandate without the mandate?

@TommyLucchese ?

And yet she has tremendous influence on Democrats from all over who have been in government for decades.

I voted for Conor Lamb so I’ve no idea what you’re on about.

Sure it is. You want to repeal a constitutional amendment to take away people’s political choices because they don’t pick the right people to represent the state correctly.

Wouldn’t matter either way where I work. But the bars in the Cultural District and South Side definitely would open and then three weeks later we’d be shut down for the third time. Prefer to avoid that.

It is a system restoration.

Looks like a good choice. Married well. Too bad he chose the wrong party.

Based in the overt distrust of the individual to make correct political decisions as a group.

It’s a yes or no question.

Stop resisting.

Based on system design and complexity theory.

Science stuff.

Which still all goes back to you don’t believe that people can be trusted to make the correct political choices for the people to represent their state’s interests in Congress.

While simultaneously you think the health code is tyranny because people know better. Not enough for you to trust them to elect politicians though.

Offer people the choice! Whether to spread a disease or not, I mean, not for things I really care about like voting though.