No, it doesn’t. It goes back to system design and complexity theory, like I said.
The system was not designed to select Senators like Representatives because they are not like Representatives. They were designed to be different. And when it was changed, out of petty, petulant selfishness, the impact of the synergy was lost. And now the system is out of whack.
New infections are higher in the burbs and surrounding counties than they are in the city, unfortunately. But yeah we’re puttering along. Most everyone has stopped being ■■■■■■■■ about the mask thing.
I sent a letter off to the Governor of NC this morning, expressing my disdain for the implementation of a new mandatory mask requirement for all business…regardless of any other factors. This was my “backlash” and I hope he read it? I’ve never, ever done anything even remotely close to this but did so…because I am pissed.
It just feels like you’re intentionally refusing to listen. We are already on the edge of another bar and restaurant shutdown. Because bars and restaurants are the number one transmission point for this virus, full stop. This was a compromise measure. It’s a pretty good one as these things go. And will get my employees at least an extra month or two of wages if things get worse, because the other choice would have meant a total shutdown almost immediately.
You can quote I Can’t Believe It’s Not Marxism critical theory at me all you want. I’m in a tough situation trying to survive myself and keep another few dozen people eating and you’re the dude Teddy Roosevelt was talking about in this scenario.
Media has nothing to do with it. Go look at the numbers. The hospitals are filling at an alarming rate with no sign of slowing down. It’s all fine and dandy until someone you care about can’t go to the nearest hospital in an emergency.
You haven’t offered anything to refute. Let’s review:
This is nothing but regurgitated media segments, topped with a parody of mom’s, “It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye!” None of this is your words. You just typed it out is all.
Now, to your question about hospitals, I’m sure there are hospitals out there somewhere that have more patients than others. Ours certainly aren’t filling up and all the bars are still open. Stop letting the TV scare you. lol