The Coming Anti-COVID Restriction Backlash

The Sesame Sicken hates the BLM shirts.


Are you ignorant of why she said come on down to Chinatown?

I prefer being asked nicely instead of issued directives. I don’t respond very well to threats from panicky hypocrites just because they’re governors or mayors.

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Start a fire or two as well and you will be super safe.


Yes. Yes I am.

I’m sure there will be police cars to torch. Someone is bound to report our rebellion…

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I would also prefer that if government is going to impose, it addresses the results of the imposition prior to it.

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Throw donuts into the harbor?

A sure way to get those virus antibodies. :wink:

So just so I’m straight here, you oppose taking away the popular vote for the Senate, among other things, because you believe people can’t be trusted to choose the right people to represent their state but you believe implicitly in the wisdom of twenty three year olds to make smart choices re: excessive alcohol consumption on a holiday as a large group? In my state?

Yes, but it is not “taking away”.


I believe a 23 year-old has a right to make the choice. Everywhere.

If there was no directive, would you open? You know, as a guy with actual skin in the game. Would you follow the mandate without the mandate?

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And they can only satisfy that urge tomorrow after 7PM?

And they say it is only acceptable to satisfy that urge tomorrow before 7PM?

That explains it then. Thanks.

I’m responding to the subject of human nature. Can the need to be around other people only be satisfied by going out on Thanksgiving evening after 7PM to a bar?

Educate me please. Please Pelosisplain why, at the onset of a respiratory virus epidemic originating from the country with the closest ties to that community, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives would suggest congregating in a high density area, which is also a likely an original destination for many recent immigrants from said country of origin.

I really want to know.

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As am I. Is the need to be around other people only acceptable to satisfy by going out on Thanksgiving evening before 7PM to a bar?

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It’s not just 23 year olds! Where I come from it’s all age groups and it’s tradition. I am betting this is going to hurt the Democratic Party as a whole in PA!

But at least we aren’t as bad as Oregon!


Seems one could go out earlier. One could go the next day. One could go tonight. One can’t go to the bar at 3AM but one should be able to. Freeberty!

Hmmm, will you be arguing to hold the New Year’s Eve celebration in Times Square this year? It MUST be held so people can satisfy their urge to be around other people?

You are confused. I don’t feel bad at all. I have a wonderful job where I don’t need to got into work if I am sick. I stay home.

You can believe if I thought I had a virus that was several times more deadly than the flu… I wouldn’t leave the house for anything.

But you go ahead and project your irresponsibility on others to make you feel better. I can take it :wink: