The Chinese Communist Party is responsible for

Perfect. I hope your democratic leaders get behind the Senator’s efforts as well. This is a big deal.

As long as the Senator’s efforts include a comprehensive investigation and don’t stop with just China.

does anyone?

the common wisdom is china.

That’s already being done. Checks are in the mail. CNN didn’t report this? Senators are paid to do more than one thing. That’s why they have all those different committees.

So Senator Hawley should just drop the idea of getting to the bottom of the cover up?

Checks aren’t in the mail…they have to be emblazoned with Donald Trump’s name for some reason.

Direct Deposits are in the ether.

Sorry. He’s doing China. That’s where it started. The root cause. Sometimes you just need to focus.

Nope we focus solely on China and we set ourselves up for failure.

Be patient. When do you expect yours? Don’t panic. This tool will help.

Im very patient. I don’t need the check.

I was simply correcting your misstatement that checks were in the mail.

They aren’t out because for some reason Donald a Trump feels his name must be on the checks.

Blame China while trying call to cover up their own incompetence. Did not see this coming.

Again sorry, but China is where the cover is. Is anybody else being accused of a cover up?

This story is all over FOX news. The other networks will bury it as long as possible. But eventually they will be shamed into covering it.

He did he offend you. Did it work?

There is no cover up in the U.S. We know exactly what we did and when we did it. Nothing is hidden.

Now China is a different story. Do they owe the world anything for letting this thing escape without warning?

It clearly is having its intended effect.

Josh Hawley R- Mo. Of the Senate Armed services committee want’s to set up an international committee to investigate the cover up. He want’s to make it possible for victims to collect damages from The Chinese Communists for their negligence. Good idea?

I’m guessing you’re opposed?

I’ll answer your question.
Of course I support a comprehensive investigation into China’s role in this pandemic, but not NOW for crap’s sake.
Are we now making all of our critical pharmaceuticals that China makes? How about other critical defense components?
No? So maybe it’s not in our national interest to threaten that right now.
This is just so ■■■■■■■ stupid to be looking for a scapegoat in the midst of the worst world heath crisis in a hundred years.
And I feel the same way about all the endless arguments over Trump’s mistakes (or not). Let it go. There will be plenty of time for a complete after-action review on every level as to what needs to be done better when another viral outbreak occurs - and there sure as ■■■■ will be one (or more).
We need to get beyond that and focus on the path forward.
We’re going to have to deal with a new normal for a LONG time. Let’s focus on that.

If they investigate all call the cover ups then great.

But this is part of the cover up. Or to be more accurate, scream and wave at the weird Commies (like in the thread title) but don’t look at how negligent and incompetent the US response has been to date. That’s all this is about.

D scapegoat


1. a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency.

So you think China is being scapegoated? Interesting. :thinking:

Is the President being scapegoated too?

Yes for some reason many Trump supporters believe having a President be a troll is cool.

Doesn’t offend me…any payment I get (or my kids) won’t be delayed because of it as we do online tax filing.

Is that all you got out of my post?
We’re ■■■■■■■ doomed.