The Chinese Communist Party is responsible for

Yes, for some reason libs think insulting Trump supporters will get them more votes. I know. It’s weird.

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I missed the part where I’m running for anything.

And I didn’t insult anyone.

No. But that’s what I replied to. So back to my question.

Is China being scapegoated? If so By whom?

Is the President being scapegoated? If so by whom.


Yeah, considering how it was botched at the beginning.

And how Trump made it twice as difficult for governors as it needed to be.

China by the US in many ways.

Doesn’t mean countries shouldn’t go after them for their initial lies.


No, he owns every misstep he’s made.

I don’t know and I don’t care RIGHT NOW.
This is just so foolish.

I just hope the meds I’m on are made here because focusing on China’s culpability RIGHT NOW is like stepping on a rake.

I didn’t see your reply to this.

Josh Hawley R- Mo. Of the Senate Armed services committee want’s to set up an international committee to investigate the cover up. He want’s to make it possible for victims to collect damages from The Chinese Communists for their negligence.

Do you support or oppose?

I 1000% agree and it isn’t even debatable. It’s a fact.

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China lied to the world regarding person to person transmission while they purchased all of the medical protective gear from around the world. That proves they knew they were lying. They totally own this!

Orange man baaa, baaa, baaad, eh?

Nope their not.

Yes he is.

Sorry. I think it’s going to happen with or without your approval.

The US domestic response as was the response of every other nation outside of China was based on the information that China and the WHO released and that which they suppressed.

If China and the WHO had been upfront with what they knew about this virus starting in November global deaths outside of China would not be 1/10th what the global total is going to finally be.

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If china is so evil and untrustworthy then why were they trusted?

Trusted by who?

It’s not like it’s a free, open country where we have access to information on outbreaks from anyone other than the CCP.

There are no independent sources in China we can rely on for verification.

.Then why was china trusted?

You failed to answer the question.

Trusted by Whom?

The US domestic response as was the response of every other nation outside of China was based on the information that China and the WHO released and that which they suppressed.