The Cancel Culture Will Destroy Us All

Reflexes are hard to manage sometimes.

BS. You refusing to watch football or buy a chicken sandwich is not the same…that’s individual choice. Cancel cultures is where they make it that others can watch or buy it.

That’s cancel culture.

Nice try pal…



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Dixie Chicks weren’t banned or music banned. People volunteered themselves to ignore em.


The Dixie Chicks were not just ignored by a few upset fans. There was a loud political movement against them. It’s actually a very good example of cancel culture.

Let me know if they were banned…nice try lib.

Whether they were banned is irrelevant.

The term cancel culture has a meaning. I’ve provided it.

Crossing your arms and making an angry scowl because you don’t like the definition of a term that existed before you started using it or even knew what it meant is not going to change anything.

Actually, they came for the Weavers and Yip Harburg and Buffy Sainte Marie long before they came for Kevin Spacey. (Even earlier, look what they did to Joe Hill because they didn’t like his music.)
Actually, they came after the Beatles at one point.

Gave ours to my daughter, I don’t do coffee

I hope the bumper sticker firings went off without a hitch

Cancel culture is stupid but let’s not act like the woke left didn’t appropriate the idea from social conservatives and apply it to social media.

Ain’t like anyone but the most egregious violators stay canceled anyway.


Impossible. But reflexes have nothing to do with my posts.

What is the alternate explanation for claiming “TDS” before you admittedly even realized that I had provided an accurate example of “cancel culture”?

Oh it is still TDS, is that what you’re complaining about?


So you don’t care about cancel culture, then. I see.

Can you?

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BLM is a cult. Donations are a financial conduit for Democrat candidates through their partner ActBlue charities. Those who buy in to the scam, call themselves “allies” or donate are simply suckers. Black Americans are gunned down by black killers in the streets of America by the hundreds. Black police officers are murdered in the course of doing their jobs including protecting black citizens. Where is the BLM outrage?
The hypocrisy is compelling yet no one sees?

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Welcome to the wrong side of history, pal.

A gratuitous statement. Ok, I’ll play.
There’s a right side and a wrong side of history?
How does one get from one side to the other?
Your turn

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