The Cancel Culture Will Destroy Us All

I don’t care what your meaning is.

Cancel Culture is those that want to destroy, banned others from practicing theirs.

End of story.


It’s not my meaning It’s THE meaning.

Bzzt, no it isn’t.

Arggghhhhh words mean what I want them to mean, not what they actually mean, bargle bargle! Hairbrush girl meme!

Again I don’t care about libs in denial definition. It’s mine that counts.

Or is that a problem?

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Then feel free to start a thread about whatever it is you’re talking about, because it’s not cancel culture.

Sorry…but I will discuss it right here in this thread of my opinions concerning canceled culture.

You seem to think you’re in position to dictate my terms…why?


Baloney, we I don’t try to get people fired or their business destroyed when I disagree with them. I might not do business with them personally, but won’t require them to be destroyed or that others not be ALLOWED to to business with them or fire them.


Are you kidding? That is literally what social conservatives did constantly for three solid decades. Boycotts. Flooding companies with complaints. Actual physical protests.


Then you’ll be discussing an off-topic subject, because what you’re describing is not cancel culture.

I’m not dictating terms. Simply defining words. Words have meanings. You’re awfully insistent upon discussing something that is NOT cancel culture.

I’ve provided a definition earlier in the thread. All you’ve done is fabricate your own definition of a term that already had a meaning before you ever knew what it was.

Then flag it.

And again you don’t get to dictate the meaning of made up philosophy. This is discussion board…not Webster.

When libs changed the meaning of married they lost the right to dictate to me what words means.

Don’t like it…use that ignore function.

Social authoritarians running wild…


No ty.

We already addressed this earlier:

Please continue stomping around about words that existed and had a meaning before you even heard of it.

Are the protests of “conservative speakers” and threats of violence forcing colleges to cancel appearances not cancel culture?


They’re part of it.

Thanks. That is the part to which I object.

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Slowly but surely LIBs are implementing their Socialist Totalitarian utopia. Throughout history, this is exactly how brutal regimes got their start. Mark my words, we are well on our way if DEMs win in November. With captive media, education, entertainment, etc. it is looking more likely that will happen. First on their agenda will be to undo what Trump has done with the courts. DEMs need to have LIB judges in order to rule by fiat and that will happen very quickly if they retake the Senate.

I see they want a “black house” on Rice University. They want to go back to segregation? No whites allowed?


erase democratic jim crow laws… we’ll call them black lives matter communal suggestions…

Yes, the moral majority is now the millennial mob.

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:rofl: I couldn’t make this up! The cancel culture is canceling … wait for it…

RHODE ISLAND! A ■■■■■■■ state! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


And the stupidity continues…



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