The big freaken MSM lie: they want to overturn the election

Trump only wanted the GA sos to “find” wnough votes for trump to win because then that would have shown that there was no election fraud in GA…

Find votes to say teump won and integrity would have been restored…

Trump was only thinking of America when he begged the sos…

When you got nothing else…laugh at others?

And remember… there is no class warfare from the right…

Everyone is equal… except those parasites that vote dem…


:grin: Right???

This happens when the Executive Branch tries to throw the constitution out the window…and usurp the will of the people claiming the thrown of the United States for himself.

Even more telling…

Trumps not greedy either. He specifically gave the number of votes he wanted “found “ so he could win by 1. That’s quite modest of him.


I was hoping that they would “find” the votes and found out they are short by 1. So trump will end up losing by a single vote. that would hurt much more.

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The Texas lawsuit was asking for votes to be thrown out and electors selected by the GOP legislature of Pennsylvania.

Guarantee had that succeeded they would have sued enough other swing states with GOP legislatures so that the result would be the election was overturned.

No matter how many euphemisms you try to use, it is a material fact that the whole point of all the lawsuits was to get enough votes thrown out in enough swing states to swing the election to Donald Trump.

So in fact, Trump and his surrogates were trying to overturn the election.

If it helps you sleep at night to pretend you a True Patriot and are The Last Bastion of Defense of True America as opposed to a destroyer of the norms of our Republic, fine.

Unfortunately, when such thoughts arise they aren’t usually to help a person sleep well at night…it’s to agitate them so they go off the rails.


Great. You’re deflecting to Trump.

The title of the thread and the subject of the thread is THEY.

You’re doing what the MSM is doing.

THEY = Trump and his surrogates.

And THEY had the same goal.

Whether it was Trump or whether it was his surrogates, the relief sought in the lawsuits was always the same…throw out votes of the people so that Trump could be President.

I don’t know why some of you continue to insist on playing games and pretend we don’t know anything about what those lawsuits were doing.

You’re not talking to people who get their news second hand, and you know you’re not talking to such people.

Why do you insist on pretending you are?

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THEY includes me.

And my goal is for inconsistencies and irregularities to be mitigated. Others in this thread have said the same thing.

So don’t try to pretend you speak for THEY.

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But the thread title is a lie.

The MSM is literally repeating Trumps claims as evidence that the movement is about overturning the election.

I offered 2 examples

Georgia pressure to “find” votes 60 days and 3 hand counts later.

Pence pressure to pick and choose electors to get Trump the win.

Both are literally the best examples of “trying to overturn the election”

His supporters tried to stop a constitutional process by storming the capitol… because that’s where Pence was.

No need to gaslight… the world saw it unfold


Sure, but those are RINO’s and CINO’s.

Cant be because then your next sentence is contradictory

The THEY is the people who believe the election was “stolen” and who wanted to overturn it. Wanting to overturn the election didn’t require storming the capitol. The belief is enough.

If you don’t believe that, then you are not a part of that crazy group.

The only way it was have been settled, is if the SCOTUS ruled the way you wanted.

Otherwise, Deep State!

I wish you would stop trying to gaslight us. You were openly saying that’s what you wanted until exactly seven days ago. Wonder what happened.

Trumps Attorney General William Barr declared Tuesday the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election.

Then there was this statement:

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double-checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result,” the coordinating bodies on election infrastructure and security said in a joint statement issued by the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

Do you not trust the Trump Admin.?


A hand count is not a good measure to detect a corruption free election, especially when illegal ballots are counted with legal ballots.


First the President is cut off from twitter, then Sen. Hawley’s book is cancelled, then the WalkAway Facebook page is taken down. . . Is it not self-evident a dangerous and un-American pattern is developing to cancel conservative speech?

YOU were not included in the people referenced in the OP.

So, nothing. Your goal is to mitigate a zero.