The big freaken MSM lie: they want to overturn the election

What illegal ballots? The Georgia SOS said there were none

No. That is your fabrication.

Yet another thread of PnG dishonesties.

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Who is “you”?

That is your fabrication.

Please stop gaslighting.

You weren’t the one being referred to in the OP.

And as was pointed out by someone else, until a week ago, the OPer WAS declaring that Trump won and should be selected to continue as President.

Again…stop pretending the people here that you are talking to aren’t paying attention.


If you want to include yourself with Trump and the crazies who wanted attempted insurrection… then I’m not going to stop you.

Just don’t pretend like Trump and his loyal followers didn’t want to overturn an election by find votes or rejecting electors.


Or, a bunch of private companies are trying to get clear of a Neo-Confederate rabble of cop-killers.

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I wouldn’t trust a hand count or any other kind unless they were comparing signatures.

They just recounted the same fraudulent ballots over down there with their recount.

Compare the signatures!


But it would detect fraud or mistakes such as running ballots through machines many times, or machine algorithms altering the count.

You would expect the fraud claims related to these mechanisms to be dropped. But they are not.

So far all indications are that good faith investigations or audits are not effective in rebutting fraud claims. I am not against additional investigation, but I am pointing out that they are being ignored by a large segment of society.

The illegal, no-excuse mail in ballots in Pennsylvania.

Why didn’t the MSM report on these illegal ballots?


Our socialist/fascist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

They were deemed illegal?

Wait I thought we were talking about Georgia

I think he’s got a point here. If you get any sort of benefit from the government, you should lose your right to vote. So anyone getting a governement paycheck like politicians, those serving in the military, police officers, etc might try to vote themselves raises or new benes… government contractors too, no vote, you might vote for someone who will benefit government contractors. And the government uses AWS to host a lot of their sites, so if you work for Amazon, no vote for you! Government uses Dell computers, Microsoft Windows and Office… no vote if you work for Microsoft or Dell!

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They are illegal. See the Texas BILL OF COMPLAINT confirming that the Defendant States, including Pennsylvania, have violated Article II, Section 1, Clause 2, of the United States Constitution, and the Fourteenth Amendment’s due process and equal protection clauses of the U.S. Constitution.

Unfortunately our Supreme Court, which has original jurisdiction over such matters, refused to provide a redress of such grievances as our Constitution mentions, and so, it more than likely is the key cause which inflamed and incited the people, resulting in their release of anger and frustration on January 6th.

Of course, our Fifth Column media refused to report on the irrefutable illegal, no-excuse mail in ballots counted in Pennsylvania’s election, which also added to the people’s frustration, and should be held accountable for their complicity in riling up the people.


Today’s Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, in addition to Facebook, Twitter ETC., and countless Yellow Journalists who are socialist revolutionaries ___ make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.

That same Texas Bill of complaint that the Supreme Court didn’t even look at…that same complaint of one state trying to usurp another state. Yeah…bank on that as your basis for legality. Maybe if a citizen of Pennsylvania had brought it…the supreme court might have looked at it. But in essence it was seen as sour grapes by Texas because Trump lost Pennsylvania. BOOOHOOO

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It is quite a stretch to cast the complaint as confirmation.

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Hmmmm . . . I noticed you, as our socialist/fascist Fifth Column media, fail to refute millions of illegal no-excuse mail in ballots were counted in Pennsylvania’s election.


. Our socialist/fascist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

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Again…let me say BOO HOO!

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And yet, a reading of the BILL OF COMPLAINT and verifying its evidence, eliminates the “stretch” you infer.


When our federal judicial system ignores our written Constitution and assents to legislative acts contrary to our supreme law of the land, it not only opens the door to anarchy, but participates in such treachery.

I’m not inferring. I’m straight out saying that a complaint is not a confirmation. It is one side’s depiction of the situation and may not illuminate all the relevant information.

You may agree with it and use it to confirm your own ideas, but it does not confirm illegality for me nor does it hold legal significance absent a ruling.

If it did, then PA’s response filing can be said to confirm that the election changes were legal.

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Ignoring what has been stated and repeating one’s mischaracterization of what has been stated is a very old, tired and stupid debating trick!

Of course “a complaint is not a confirmation”. But a reading of the BILL OF COMPLAINT and verifying its evidence, can very well be a confirmation of the allegations made.

In this case, the complaint and the evidence presented, does confirm Pennsylvania’s no-excuse mail in ballots violates PA’s constitution, and yet millions were counted in the election.


When our federal judicial system ignores our written Constitution and assents to legislative acts contrary to our supreme law of the land, it not only opens the door to anarchy, but participates in such treachery.