Thanks but no thanks, I will pay my quarterly payroll taxes (income, Social Security, Medicare) on time

BTW, my company is FAR from alone and the vast majority of companies are likely to continue to collect and remit as the law requires and if the Treasury refuses to accept remittance, they will place that money in escrow, rather than facing a risk of being hit with penalties and a massive debt if all that money suddenly becomes due because of a court order.

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Which is smart its better to pay the taxes on a bi-weekly/weekly bias then a single lump sum your saving your employee a nightmare when they file their yearly taxes, even if it was legal for him to delay the payment its stupid.

Actually director of an operating division of a large multinational corporation. As such, I have plenary direction over payroll though I am not involved day to day in it. :smile:

My friend wife is an “Artist” who makes 80K-100K a year straight money.
one year she had to pay over 15,000$ in taxes in a single check because none of her taxes are removed on her paycheck.

Those Taxes are not going away they will be due and its a not more noticeable when its a single large sum. that is the whole reason why taxes are taken off paychecks.

I am a quarterly payer. I write a 5 figure check to the Treasure 4 times a year, plus a smaller check with my tax return. I know how she feels. :smile:

But I don’t mind at all.

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I’m a weekly guy I pay taxes on every pay stub.
but then the end of the year comes the Government send me a nice check for a few grand.

The one thing I don’t like about payroll deduction is that it takes much of the “pain” out of taxpaying. The money you pay in taxes is much more obvious when you have to actually write a check, rather than it being removed in tiny chunks from your paycheck.

which is the point they want to make payroll taxes as less painful as possible.

Been over 20 years since I have received a refund. Which is actually good in that the government has not gotten the free use of my money. :smile:

Mine goes straight into my retirement fund.

Which is why they stretch it out. If taxpayers had to come off the hip once a year instead of paying incrementally, there’s be a lot more pissed off people wondering where their money went. Instead, we have people boasting about how much their refund was with the feeling that the government just gave them something.


Also I don’t think with how most American live they would be-able adult enough to knowingly save enough money each year to pay their own taxes.

Were not exactly drilling holes in trees waiting on maple syrup down here. We have jobs, provide for ours, and are able to take care of our responsibilities.

people also buy 1200$ phones twice a year
Canadian are no better.

Well, we did invent the damn thing, so I’d hope we were upwardly mobile enough to buy a few. Forgive the pun.

What other world changing industries can you think of that we’re born in America?

Good for you, millions of people can’t.

How many businesses will go bankrupt when they have to repay the deferred taxes. Especially small businesses

Let’s say you have 5 employees earning 40k a year

Deferring Ss taxes is about 30 k a year or 2500 a month. By the end of the year the business will owne over 10k. How many businesses will that push over the edge???

Libs are only upset because it means Trump is helping people.


All of them. lol

Some people long for a dictator.