TEXAS RAMPAGE: Authorities Release the Identity of the 17-Year-Old Gunman

HOAX. Fake news.

Not long. Maybe it would help if he didn’t have such a punchable face.

Hold the gun owner accountable for crimes committed with their improperly stored weapons.

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Resorting to violence…that didn’t take long.

If you want o stop shootings, trying to figure out motive, etc…is a fools errand. Stop the commonality - they all have guns in common. Stop those.

He also had some communist stuff.

:joy: :rofl: :rofl:

With what? A magic gun disappearing fairy? Guns aren’t going anywhere, even if you could somehow manage to round up all 300 million plus of them already here more would be smuggled in and they are dead easy for any machinist to make in his garage. But why would you even want to, they are used legally and to good purpose far more often then they are misused by criminals and you have no business punishing the innocent for the actions of criminals.


That’s not the only commonality.

Video games are a commonality.

“Male” is a commonality.

Bullied is a commonality.

Great. So we’ll di nothing. Oh well try to pass a few simple things like “let’s not let insane people have guns” but he nra will fight that and the airwaves will call it an affront to freedom and eventually we will I’ve up and even things like that won’t pass. And so we should just tell our kids to expect to be shot at in school at some pint in their lives because this is America. It’s what happens here and largely many people like you agree that it’s a fair price to pay for the glorious right to buy guns as Jesus wanted us to.

First of all, it’s already illegal for the insane who have been determined to be a risk to buy a gun. Second, you are blowing the problem out of proportion. You act as if it happens all the time and everyone should be panicking, every kid in those schools is in far more danger driving to school than they are of being shot. They have substantially higher odds of dying in an airplane, boat or spaceship accident, which has a lifetime risk of 1 in 2,499 as opposed to a 1 in 11,125 risk of being the victim in a mass shooting.

source Gun Violence Data: Odds of Being Shot, Other Causes of Death Compared

And guns are far from the only way to kill a bunch of people, that it is the weapon of choice doesn’t mean it’s the only way to do it.

See? You are justifying our inaction. Struggling to make it feel fine to do nothing.

Fewer people die from Ebola that die in plane crashes? Should we do nothing about it?

But whatever - why waste teh time - you think those dead kids in TX are a statically acceptable level of murder in america. Got it.

Breathing is a commonality.

Eating food is a commonality.

Waking up every day is a commonality.

Tell is about all the mass deaths at US schools that happen without guns.

There is something we can do to solve this problem. But it’s not as simple as just passing another law, or even enforcing the laws we already have. What needs to be done cannot be legislated nor can it be coerced. What we need to do is fundamentally change our society.

  1. Recognize that human life in all its forms is sacred.
  2. Teach our children to respect life.
  3. Teach our children to respect authority.
  4. Support that authority when our children run afoul of it.
  5. Bring God back into the public square.
  6. Show respect for each other and for our country.
  7. Bring back a sense of community and unity.

We are teaching our kids that law enforcement is the enemy. Then we are shocked when they break the law. And somehow the solution to this is passing more laws. Does this seem insane tho anyone else?


Good points. The left will just get p.o. by them though.