Texas freezes ,ted cruz flies to cancun

Ya, most Texans (as is the case across the country) don’t have the resources to pack up and head out of town during a weather emergency, they have to sit tight.


The contents of that post are stupid.

And then wasn’t there something like Abbot blaming the outage on the Green New Deal or something dumb like that?

Without going back through the thread… I remember the bulk of this dunking on Texas politicians more than mocking Texans.

Someone took it personally. :roll_eyes:


It’s the hypocrisy for me.

What hypocrisy? One was caused by not preparing for a big storm, the other was caused despite being prepared.

If you want to pick on yankees go ahead.


If Queens was without power and people were dying and AOC flew off to Cancun… she would deservedly get roasted for it.

Until that happens… doesn’t seem like anywhere near the same complaint.

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We don’t prepare for blizzards in South Texas.

Do you yankees prepare for hurricanes?

“Despite being prepared…” interesting.

Queens was in the middle of a 'Rona surge, people were dying, and AOC flew off to Miami.

wheres the beef

Oh and we were “prepared”… we had wind back up.

Well, they voted the correct way, so they need help and no one saw this coming. :person_shrugging:

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We know.

Those that live in hurricane country do if the rebs don’t vote not to.

We’ll the ‘yankees’ didn’t decide to forego cold weather maintenance.

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It’s not the same complaint. It just the starting point for complaining,

And yet…

In NYC at the moment trying to get home to Detroit, flights are being bumped right and left but surprisingly, the roads are almost completely cleaned up just the day after. Heck, 2 hours after it stopped snowing I went to dinner with some colleagues and the roads were already plowed. These guys seem to handle snow just fine.

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Government money something something. NYC Dept of Sanitation is run pretty well but at the end of the day it’s the double overtime ie government money that keeps them clean.

We even have plows for the bike lanes.

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Being originally from the Northeast and having lived in TN, FL, CA. I tend to give them a break on snow removal. Their DOT’s aren’t equipped for large scale snow removal and the annual maintenance costs associated with having enough heavy trucks, hydraulic plow attachments, and drivers to get the job done.

What resources they do have normally have to concentrate on main roads and auxillary roads are a secondary consideration.


The most corrupt city departments are often run well to keep the public appeased.