Texas Does It Again

Or maybe you won’t.

It’s unconstitutional. On its face. You want it because you’re a special turtle dove who is a better person than others and thus only people like you should have the right to vote.

said what?

this isnt 2008. why dont you try addressing the topic instead of head-butting posters

Whoa whoa whoa… not willing to stand up for this belief that there are those who shouldn’t vote?

I am trying to pin this down… how about $10 worth of property? $100? $1000? $10,000? $1,000,000?

What is the line that allows people to vote?

This is the topic. You don’t believe in democracy anymore, just like most of your coreligionists. Democracy for people who think like me! ■■■■ everyone else.


If people vote they might want something that I don’t agree with and we can’t have that.

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still all about the poster…

good day

Lol you’ve been admitting it for years.

Waiting for the poster to who will come in and say a republic is not a democracy even though it a hundred percent is.


Those that want to vote can easily do so. Those that don’t wouldn’t do so no matter how easy you make it for them.

What’s really in play is ballot harvesting. Basically well organized DEMs gathering ballots en masse from people who have no clue about who or what they are voting for and who would never go to the polls on their own.


Conservatives aren’t capable of being well organized and collecting mail in ballots from their supporters?

Yes, please.

You mean poor people, don’t you? (not you… him)

Why not?

Isn’t the net effect of this “poor people can’t vote”? Also, if I am a good citizen, pay my taxes, and don’t take welfare, why can’t I vote if I rent instead of own?

What crimes? And why, generally?

ANYONE who wants to put a modicum of effort in can absolutely vote.


Remember when Harris complained that no one in rural areas would be able to vote because apparently no copy machines?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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Wasn’t America grand, when only rich, white, land owning men could vote?

Can’t have those dirty poor folk voting! They might take America in the completely wrong direction!

Seriously though, why do you think poor people shouldn’t be allowed to vote?

no def not. i would want poor people especially be able to vote since they have the greatest chance to grow wealth and so should have a part in selecting the govt

But poor people tend not to own property. How do you square the sentiment in this post with your desire to limit voting to property owners?

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And tend to be on welfare.