Texas Dems Flee State to Avoid Vote



Just do a quick perusal of the threads here about Republicans who got covid and see the responses.

Just a sure bet you won’t see those same things being said about those cowards who fled Texas.


Plot thickens


I couldn’t agree with Joe more…



Huh, must not have tested positive after all.

Nope…they’re now quarantined for 10 days due to some testing positive for COVID.

A waste of time if vaccinated IMO.

Funny for sure.

The masks are staying on planes thanks to those Bozos.

Are these democrats ■■■■■■■ careless idiots putting others in harm’s way? Like any Republican who’s tested positive has been called here?

■■■■■■■ hypocrites.

Completely excuse behavior from their side while castigating the other. Just like Newsome.


2 more said to be tested positive. Seems to me they were spreading covid all over the place.


They’re heroes standing up for what’s right. According to all the liberals in this thread at least. Who cares if a few people get sick.

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Ask sneaky. In another thread I said poor people and he jumped to race. Why did sneaky make that jump?

I asked you.

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I haven’t. I have talked about impoverished people effected by Voter ID laws, not minorities. When I did, Sneaky brought up race. Weird.

Which of the two drugs they swore wouldn’t work are they taking? :thinking:

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Sneaky is a mod but pretty sure he can’t force you to say stuff you don’t understand.


Not true.

Law of diminishing returns applies to all things.

I don’t believe they’ve tested positive. It’s just an excuse that they’ll get away with IMO.

Like I said, I didn’t mention race, Sneaky brought it up equating poor people to minorities. I understood what he was saying, just not why he assumed the link.

Just another childish game.


The complaint is Jim Crow 2.0. That these laws “disproportionately affect black people”. I saw what you did. It wasn’t clever.

But in order to move along; yes, you said poor. Yes, I got out in front of it.

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