Texas border wall

We hear bull ■■■■ like this post all the time. From so called experts with political agendas trying to justify basically doing nothing to defend our southern border. There’s nothing in the above post worthy of credibly considering.

Here’s a great piece from the Center for Immigration Studies. They talk to people who actually know something about the border…the folks patrolling it.

Headline- Border Patrol Agents, the Only True Experts, Lament Wall Construction Halt

“ DEMING, N.M. — Just over the horizon from this high-desert town, an order from newly seated President Joe Biden last week halted westward construction of his predecessor’s border wall. A mile or so down the line, at a section building eastward to connect with it, construction also ended. The “pause” orders from distant Washington, where “experts” insist border walls don’t work, left a mile-wide open corridor here that would have been closed in another month or so…In the shadow of a last installed panel, a U.S. Border Patrol agent left responsible for covering that mile-wide gap wondered who all these “experts” are who constantly insist walls don’t work against illegal immigration and drug trafficking…“You hear TV, and they would say, ‘well the experts say the wall isn’t effective,’ and I never understood who these experts were,” said the agent. “Because all of our data says, you know, 90 percent effective rate … dropping of crossings … increased apprehensions and all of that. And it’s like, well who are these experts to say it wasn’t effective and what are they basing that on? You know, they never really specify.”

In building the border wall, in designing it President Trump consulted with these people, the folks patrolling the border to design an effective barrier that would be an asset to their ability to do what they’ve been hired and trained to do…defend the country and the southern border.

It’s time to start calling the “if we build a 20 foot wall they’ll buy 25 foot ladders” crowd the uninformed frauds they are. Here’s why…from the same piece.

“The Border Patrol agent near Deming, N.M., addressing wall-opponent claims that ladders, cutting tools, and rope-climbing had entirely neutralized wall effectiveness, told CIS that where groups of 60 or 80 migrants and drug mules once walked through unopposed, only three or four at a time can get over the wall now, and those are the strongest and boldest:”

At the risk of making this a really long post…here’s what a Border Patrol Agent in the El Paso area had to say. “ As much as people like to let their gums flap about things they don’t know what they’re talking about … a wall is a great deterrent. That whole tall-wall-taller-ladder thing? Haha, fine, let them lug a 45-foot ladder out there in the middle of the desert. I don’t care. It’s a deterrent. It’s not a 100 percent guarantee, but it [a wall] stops most of the people who are mediorcerly [sic] going to commit a crime. A lot of people have no interest in risking their lives to climb that high or lug a band-saw and cutting tools out to the middle of nowhere. A lot of people are deterred by just the idea of all that. Nothing will stop everybody, of course, but for a lot of people? They’re not honestly that motivated to go through all of what it takes…”

These are the people who actually know what they are talking about…not the squad or Kommie Harris or even Biden who told us during the campaign he in effect wanted 2 million new illegals streaming into this country and who has kneecapped our border hero’s every step of his idiotic presidency.

Sorry for the long post.


I would support universal health coverage if it meant ending birth right citizenship, ending free education for children of illegals, building walls where needed, e-verify, drones, and whatever other tech would help secure the border. I would also support a guest/temp worker program for people to our south. That would provide us with the labor we need and would benefit those countries in providing labor for their citizens and would be better for the workers and their families by having them live in their countries with substantially lower cost of living while making US wages when they are temporarily here working. Regarding education, I would not support putting more money into the current system as it needs major reforms.

I completely agree that our political class doesn’t really care about the people of America. They are more concerned about power, special interests, their ideology, personal wealth, etc., and are not concerned about making a better system for all. I can see merit in the countries that provide more expanded social safety nets for their citizens but as a result do not offer birth right citizenship, and have strict rules on immigration and becoming citizens and strictly enforce such rules.

There’s a cheaper solution. End birth right citizenship. End free education for illegal immigrant children and any other benefits that they can currently receive. If you don’t cut off the incentives that entice them to come they will just keep on coming. Also we would need a functional and enforced guest/temp/seasonal worker program in conjunction with other countries. Now what are the chances that our lawmakers actually utilize logic to solve this issue?


I can agree with almost everything on your list. I m not of the opinion that our nation can afford to provide Universal Health Coverage for 340 million people. I don’t mind helping those who really need it…and realistically we are what, 28 trillion in debt? Since when has being able to afford something been an obstacle.

I could support realistic changes to our process of acquiring citizenship…it shouldn’t be an easy thing to do…citizenship in this country is a precious gift. I’m no expert but the process of becoming a citizen given everything I know from people who’ve done it is really complicated and really expensive…

I agree. Take away the incentives and they won’t come here. As for the drug runners, the sensors that have been installed at the border seem to be doing a good job. We just need to expand that coverage.

They can’t use that land anyway if it’s being overrun by illegals. At least now they won’t have to pay tax on it.


Fox, Bill Melugin in particular who is a great reporter just ran a story about the 100 million dollars worth of wall material sitting in the Texas sun.

He asked Governor Abbott at his press conference Saturday about Texas using that steel which we the taxpayers have already paid for in the wall Texas is building. Abbott said Texas officials have reached out to the White House without even the courtesy of an answer.

Apparently Biden is happy to just let that money sit and rust in the Texas sun…

Somehow kind of a metaphor for that idiot’s presidency doncha think!


And it’s very low priced land because of the illegals, like 1k an acre cheap.

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Democrat politicians measure success and worthiness not by American lives saved or even made better, but by votes they receive, or expect to receive. As long as it isn’t THEIR money being squandered or their businesses being burned and looted, as long as it isn’t THEIR neighborhoods being overrun by drugs and crime, as long as it isn’t THEIR children in failing or unsafe schools, as long as THEY are not suffering the consequences of their actions, they will continue to steal our money and freedoms to serve THEIR purposes. I hope more governors follow Abbots example and say LETS GO BRANDON, and tell Washington to piss off…


Hear! Hear! :+1: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Brilliant. Thank you…100% brilliant!

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Biden admin is also quietly aiming its pivot back to election mode when they care about immigrants.

***The department said that the border funds will also be used on drainage systems, to prevent erosion, to complete unfinished access roads, and to discard construction materials that are already at the border but will not be used for the “remediation” work. ***

The work will happen in the Tucson, Yuma and El Paso border sectors, which stretch from California to Texas. The department said it is also considering other potential work in all three states.

Make one think the real purpose was to spread Covid as much as servitude labor.

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The Governors along the border should have trucks follow Brandon’s trucks that are “discarding the unused contruction materials” and get them at a super reduced expense, if not free and then use them to finish the wall.


Hopefully our conservative press will keep an eye on this and report what happens.

Fox’s Bill Melugin has been brilliant hopefully he’ll keep it up.

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From the linked article at fox news …

“DHS said the move is part of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ plan to use border funds “to protect border communities from physical dangers resulting from the previous administration’s approach to border wall construction.”

Seriously what the hell is that moron talking about. Mayorkas is an idiot and a danger to this country. Homeland SECURITY Secretary my ass…lying lunatic is more like it.


Can you imagine the video if federal trucks are hauling those border wall panels to a landfill somewhere and state of Texas trucks are right behind grabbing them and taking them somewhere to be used for the purpose we the people already purchased them for.

Biden is such a joke…


IMO…he’s very smart and evil and…

I’d have “let’s go Brandon” painted on the sides of those trucks that are picking up the wall pieces and then make flags, t-shirts, posters and other paraphernalia depicting this and tell the buyers the money will be used to pay the labor of the construction. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

I like it…please forward that whole idea to Governor Abbott’s office.

This whole border wall thing is a sign of how little respect our failed president and his insane administration have for the American taxpayer.

Not only did they take all that material that we paid for and toss it aside…they paid millions to contractors who had already been hired to build something…aka the border wall…our failed president paid those contractors a massive amount of our money to build nothing. All while 2021 was setting records for people coming illegally into America…there were stories earlier this year about illegals using the infrastructure around the unfinished wall as part of their highway into our country.

Rodeo’s 1st rule…if you really want to screw something up turn it over to a bunch of liberals.

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