Teachers Coached Girl, 12, Into Trans Identity, Accused Parents of Abusing Her


You didn’t answer my question.

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Right i am not talking about illegal i am talking about a normal situation that’s not illegal but where the child is seeking help. I agree a professional counselor should be involved but even they are … meh

Yes i did. I said it’s tough. I don’t have an answer. If i were asked to choose i would say it would upto the situation. Sometimes the child should choose, sometimes the counselor/teacher, sometimes the parents.

There is no actual teaching going on. Here is the thing with CRT from my perspective. The liberal nature of teachers and schools in general has been given an acronym. For the most part the acronym was then publicized and the man who is behind the publicity got what he wanted. Whether CRT is being taught in schools is irrelevant. That’s not the issue. The issue is whether the kids are being taught from the lib perspective. Whoever or whatever is the source of that perspective is up for debate that i am not interested in having because it boíls down to libs teaching kids Libby things to make them into libs

But anyway my point is that the same holds true for teaching intelligent design and creationism. It’s the perspective from which history biology etc are being taught. If a school has those items in their curriculum then it permeates the entire way the students are taught by the teachers. Same thing holds libbies teaching kids to be libs.

There is a major difference between the two but that’s for another discussion

Any ideology that would place government workers in a role above that of the parents in a situation like this is inherently evil


Libs already have taught that creationism is for dumb anti-science luddites.

Possibly, evolution can produce the amazing systems that we see in biology. But children deserve to know that there are educated men and women with minds and education sufficient to understand the machinery of cellular physiology who ponder and will continue to ponder how even a billion years of evolution can produce such elegant and remarkable systems. Why some people would prohibit children from learning THAT … makes me suspicious.

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Who gets to decide it the parents are failing?

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Pondering the origin of life is taught in schools. At least it was taught to me in hs. I learned about Deism in 10th grade if i am not mistaken. :sauropod: walking with man should not be.

It’s a very tough question. Very. It needs to be answered from the perspective of those who are rarely given a voice (children) so my answer is that context/situation determines it.

Just to add the teachers should never ever make that decision without even a semblance of understanding of the family dynamic/situation.

These cases should be treated as child abuse. The so called “teachers” should be prosecuted as the criminals they are and sent to prison.


Evil? Seems a bit extreme. Providing kids a place to discus things they aren’t comfortable talking to their parents about isn’t evil.

Did you talk to your parents about everything? I know I didn’t.

That’s not what intelligent design means. And it is not even necessarily a God based belief. But your narrative insists that you conflate the idea of intelligent design with a 6000 year old earth and man coexisting with dinosaurs. That makes it easier to delegitimize views that fall outside traditional explanations.

You© people arn’t as smart as you tell yourselves you are.

Yes, evil.

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Soooooo … what’s your take on guidance counselors? Evil or not?

Depends on what they are providing guidance on along with the level of parental involvement.


Of course it makes it easier. Like calling everything socialism and communism. But you don’t want to dig deeper into intelligent design because the result isn’t an ulterior motive the result is teaching kids about God.


When does a teacher get to decide a parent failed?


:rofl: Yeah that was bad lol I just mean that I don’t have an answer other than it’s rough to next to impossible

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I’m going to make my position on this surrogate parent thing very clear. I’m going to use a little language; understand it is not directed at you personally.

  1. At no time, barring a court order, is it appropriate for an agent of the state to take it upon themselves to usurp the position of a parent.

  2. If one has not raised a child, I don’t give a ■■■■ about their opinion on the subject. They are completely unqualified to have an opinion.