Tampa General: great success with COVID-19 treatment, reduces hospital stays

You asked for evidence and I gave it to you.

Aside from that, fully vaccinated people 65 years and older account for 75 percent of breakthrough COVID cases and wind up in the hospital or die. Maybe if this age group received a preemptive antibody treatment for covid, they would do better than they do by receiving the covid vaccine.


President Biden is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border

No that is not evidence.

Numbers without context is not evidence.

You gave anecdotes.

Try again.


The links I provided are in fact “evidence” of the spike in breakthrough cases.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare

In that evidence, the vaccinated group is doing much much much better than the unvaccinated group.

So what does that say about vaccinations?

It says nothing about the particular circumstances, or medical conditions favorable or unfavorable for a particular person’s use of the vaccine.

I noticed you did not comment on the use of a preemptive antibody treatment for people 65 years and older rather than the vaccine.

The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.

It does though.

It shows that vaccinated people are getting infected at a much lower rate than unvaccinated.

Sure. Use it for those who are ill.

But for most…. Skip the getting sick part and get vaccinated.

I foresee many more people rushing out to get vaccinated after that animated speech Biden gave on booster shots after the collapse of Afghanistan.


Can you give an example of such a medical condition?

I’m not sure about that it seems the jury is still out in that with new studies released about Delta which for whatever reason we needed here it has transformed the whole game.

The one lucky thing (Until the next Variant) people vaccinated tend to not have to go to hospital which is a good thing. We might not get that lucky with upcoming variants according to the CDC.

“Fully vaccinated people carry the same amount of Covid as the unvaccinated, scientists have found in a new study that calls into question the effectiveness of vaccine passports and changes to the NHS app.

Experts had hoped two doses of vaccine would significantly reduce the viral load carried by people who became infected, lowering the risk of them passing on Covid”

“However, the new study by the University of Oxford shows that the delta variant wipes out the viral load reduction”

they are minimally effective for adults in slowing spread, not stopping it. study after study shows this. masking has had little impact on the ultimate spread of covid. i supported wearing masks because slowing the spread until we had a vaccine would ultimately save lives, now that we have one its meaningless and may in fact be counter productive giving the unvaccinated a false sense of security and possibly making those who do contract covid more sick.

in place after place the pattern of spread is repeated, mask or no mask, shut down or no shut down. it takes hold, it increases until it reaches a level where there are not enough vectors to continue spreading rapidly, plateau’s and then drops. nothing we have done has changed the pattern except vaccination, and with delta, thats not even as effective unless the moderna vaccine is wide spread instead of either az, j&j or pfizer. the best thing young and healthy adults can do to turn this pandemic into a lessor flu if they won’t get vaccinated is get covid.

think about this. if we had kept kids in school and not done so much to “protect” them from a disease that was overwhelmingly not a danger to them, right now, most kids would have gotten the alpha variant, not ever even known they had gotten it, developed antibodies, and today, because of memory t and b cells would be more protected against the delta variant than they are naturally. treating covid like it was a danger to kids was stupid. the same can be said of anyone under 30. no science behind it, just the politics of fear driven by an irrational leftist press and seized upon by leftist politicians to damage trump. tds has put everyone in greater danger. thanks leftists.

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Provide the quotes from the links showing the particular circumstances, or medical conditions favorable or unfavorable for a particular person’s use of the vaccine.


The covid vaccine is not recommended if one has recently been vaccinated for the Flu or Shingles.


Fair enough, for how long?

As I have repeatedly stated, only a doctor and their patient are in a position to decide whether or not the use of the covid vaccine is beneficial.


There is now both domestic and foreign blood on the hands of all those who voted for the Biden/Harris ticket.

You said it was a recommendation. How long is the recommendation for? Life? A week? This year?

If your doctor recommended it, would you get it even if you had been vaccinated for shingles?

I’m trying hard to understand the issue.

The vaccinated have to become infected in the first place and the numbers are showing that this happens to them at a much lower rate than the unvaccinated.

So yes… you can get infected if vaccinated and if the vaccinated do get infected the viral load looks to be the same.

But what we know is this,

  1. if exposed to the virus the vaccinated are infected at a lower rate than the vaccinated.

  2. if the vaccinated become infected they are more likely to clear the virus faster and thus be a vector for a shorter period of time than the unvaccinated

  3. will likely not get as sick and even less likely to die than the unvaccinated.

Keeping all of those things in mind and with rolling out that booster shots are now recommended at the eight month mark, vaccinations are the most effective means to keep people from getting sick and dying.

Or… and now here me out… the variants would have arisen here.

Now we have the idea that disease mitigation efforts during a global pandemic of a novel virus is somehow “leftist” is just wild.

Buck wild even.

don’t blame me, its the left that politicized the whole thing in their tds fevered dileriums. they say “follow the science” and then promptly do the opposite claiming its “science”

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“The Left”

It is always the fault of “the left”

We bring mandates and zero tolerance on ourselves.

I haven’t seen a single medical reason for a average adult American to not get vaccinated posted on this forum. Or even a logical reason.

As for the shingles and flu recommendation, I haven’t looked but I’d bet there is a time frame on it.

I’m not trying to convince anybody and I certainly don’t advocate mandates, but if you want autonomy you have to make good decisions consistently.

Freedom requires personal responsibility.