Talk About Tone Deaf - Decoupling Starbucks

I think you’re onto something here. :wink:

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Trump? Trump? Trump? Trump? Trump? Trump?

Just pointing out the inconsistencies in your post.

Define a “real American”?

Lol the OPer is resolutely diverting from the gruely OP.

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You’re poking yourself in your own eye.


There is nothing better then well roasted fresh ground Colombian coffee beans to start your day.


Fried potatoes and onions.

So the logic being since all the manufacturing has moved overseas over the decades stripping jobs from the people the democrats use to be the party of “The Working Man”. The people should ignore that and keep the status quo because Trump has products made in China.

An honest question who would be tougher on China? Biden or Trump? Or should things just stay the way they are?

Noted my good mate Sneaky.

Peace and love.

Without “Trump!” that’s it?

Ok. What about all the other companies and industries expanding into the China market? Boycott? I can’t really tell from this tearful OP. Please expand.

In my permanent record? What inconsistency?

Over roasted coffee beans should be illegal IMO…that something that French would do.


Did you really intend to start a thread about China and not talk about the president of the United States? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Pork chops or hamburger steak. Feminist’s choice.

Trump? Trump? Trump?

Real Americans wouldn’t destroy a perfectly grown coffee beans.

He doesn’t even intend to talk about his own OP, such that it is. Lol. :coffee:

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