Take the Breitbart challenge

Breitbart is not ranked at the top because it is a fringe “news” site that shouldn’t be at the top by any measurable metric except that you WANT it to be. If I start a blog that just says “Joe Biden Joe Biden Joe Biden” over and over and over again it won’t be #1 when you search for Joe Biden either.


Yes but see this is the whole issue with the story linked in the OP.

They tried to equate correlation with causation, and they made an assumption as to the direction of the causation.

One has to know how the search engine works to make a true decision as to whether the search engine is biased.

Why should we make the assumption that Breitbart SHOULD appear in the top searches?


How about considering internet manipulation, fraud?
How about outlawing deceit?

internet manipulation isn’t illegal.

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You realize that the story linked in the OP doesn’t even come close to proving there was search engine manipulation.

Once again, don’t check the math…check the assumptions.

Lots of flawed assumptions in the OP’s linked article.

Might help if you actually read what you respond to.

These are people who believe demonsex doctor over the CDC. They believed in Jade Helm. They thought Ebola was coming to kill us. They think Obama is going to get arrested any minute now. Occam’s Razor is not in play. They’re lost.


might help if you listed real illegal behavior.

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Search engines provide a service - and the service they provide is their ranking algorithms.

I dont think you guys understand what a raw internet search would look like.


and will be eventually.

No. It shouldn’t be illegal, and it never will be.

Ok. Explain why Breitbart should be a top search result for “Joe Biden”?

Out of all the thousands of newspapers, wikis, forums, campaign sites, etc. Etc. Etc.

Why should Breitbart in the top three pages?


Is the Breitbart challenge similar to the Tide Pod challenge? I think most challenges are stupid.

With that said, if you don’t like Google, then don’t use Google. If you feel Brietbart should be the top result for an Internet search then create that search engine, because there’s obviously a need for such a service to exist.


Look at those numbnuts who don’t understand search engines and don’t understand why they are so far down the list.

Can’t stop laughing. Thanks for posting!


I do not like corporations.


Breitbart is reacting to their own Search Rankings going down 97.9 percent overnight.


I don’t think anyone not understanding that Breitbart’s Search rankings dropped essentially overnight, has a clue about what is going on.

Imagine going onto your social media and seeing your followers cut by 97 percent in a few days.

This is Big Tech collusion not happenstance or less popularity.

Just move to China if you want totalitarianism.

Imagine complaining you lost 97% of your followers overnight and people telling you, you don’t understand the internet.

Did you just call Breitbart a news outlet?


Breitbart runs an article saying it’s been discriminated against…provides insufficient evidence.

That doesn’t make it a real story.

The need to do more than this.

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If that happened, and I’m doubtful that it did, they got caught cheating somehow.