It is equal to fixing systems. You can’t fix humans, they aren’t broken.

What if the people working on the system are racist? Or at the very least racially insensitive/unaware?

Systemic Racism is not a this or that example thereof, although specific examples are the very stuffs of Prima Facie validation.
The puzzle has been dumped on our table, and every piece makes up the whole of the picture.
The pieces themselves are very important, but we must assmble them carefully as they will show us all the larger construct.
When we focus on individual actions it becomes easier to not see the larger picture.

What if? The system is what it is. It can be objectively evaluated.

racially insensitive/unaware?

I’m not sure what that is. I know what the phrase means. Do you think you can make me sensitive and aware? I am sensitive to and aware of the thing I need to be in order for me to be successful. Why would I be to the things you need to be successful? And how does my sensitivity/awareness affect you?

I am aware slavery existed. How does that help you?


Systemic racism is a feeling? If that’s the case, it’s not systemic.

Does that make the system racist?

Scott Adams asked for current examples of systemic racism in a recent one-week Twitter challenge. The responses frequently cited cases of individual racism, which do not meet a reasonable definition of “systemic”. Other examples came from the distant past and are clearly not current.

In some other cases the examples applied to anyone who is poor. There are poor people of all races so examples of problems associated with being poor do not constitute systemic racism.

About the only argument for current systemic racism that Adams accepted as plausible involves the criminal justice system. Blacks appear to get harsher punishment than people of other races. Adams suggested that defendants should be allowed to select the race of judges in their cases.

Is that a reasonable solution? Or would selection of judges based on race actually be racist?

I have, nothing proving the Trump family was behind it.

Nonsensical BS.

Gibberish, if you can’t clearly define it and give examples you can’t make the claim it exists at all logically.

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I didn’t say “feeling,” but ok?
If Racism is real, and we define it as a cancer, it really is not a matter of feelings, but rather of how far has it spread, how many sytems it has compromised that then in turn make up the larger human body’s system.
Racism starts in the heart, and is a learned behaviour.
Feelings are the place maybe where Racism resides in the indiviual, but actions are not involuntary spasms unto themselves, they are the outward manifestations of said Racism, of said feelings.
In a business comprised of ten people of whom seven are openly Racist’s, could that be considered a Racist business?
Or is that delegated exclusively to law to regulate?

Then you need to explain why you think that.

What you are doing is trolling, you do it all the time, it’s all you ever do and it ends today.

A one liner is fine every now and then, not as an MO.

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If you can show racist business practices you realize it’s a ticket to riches and early retirement don’t you?

There will always be racists of every race, color, and creed, but claiming that automatically means we have systemic racism is unsupportable garbage.

If anything one can logically argue that racial quotas in hiring and affirmative action programs are racism pure and simply but minorities aren’t complaining about those other than Asians who the other minorities discriminate against openly.

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Hence the reason I asked and the topic is systemic racism.

Yes, racism is a feeling, an emotion, on an individual level. Is it on a systemic level?

Because there are 10 people, no. Or 100. The question is: Does it operate as a systemically racist business? The answer is either yes or no. If those 10 people have policy that they only hire people of a certain race, then probably.

Is a black-owned barbershop racist because they don’t have a white barber? No. How many white barbers specialize in cutting black people’s hair?

Business is private sector. Their responsibility is to provide the service to the customer, not be diverse for the sake of diversity.

So if I owned a fairly big barber shop, say 6 chairs, and my area was racially mixed and I hire a black barber to handle my black customers, is that racist? Is it racist because half my barbers aren’t black?

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The subject of systemic racism is fiction and only serious because this lie is dangerous to a civil society as evidenced by the violent anarchy going on throughout the country.

FBI graph:


The criminal Justice system is skewed twords making black Americans suffer far more than any other people.
It is Systemically Racist.
From the cop, to the public pretender, to the untouchable prosector, to the untouchable judge, they all four dance the legal tune of limp do nothing politicians who have used the historical disenfranchisment of the black community as a stepping stone to easy personal wealth via their offices elected.
It must be known with regard to the Systemic Racism in American Justice, the actual players all have several things usually in common.
They are underachievers, come from poor backgrounds, are lazy, and are devoid of the basic values of fair play.
As they have nothing of accomplishment of their own to bandy about, they resort to the oldest, and lowest form of self celebration.
They focus on making someone else look bad, that way the focus is not on them, and as they point out others percieved flaws, they feel that they in turn establish that they are better than them by a direct comparison to them.
If the problem is “them,” and I point it out, then I am the only one who will protect you.
Fear mongering, another hallmark of a racist.

Systemic racism is most definitely not fiction. It existed. The questions is, does it still.

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No, it isn’t. You cannot point to a single operating parameter that makes that statement true.

My position was not mearly one of numbers.
I did state the seven of ten are openly racist. They are not in a position of unknown concerning their racism as your formula provided such a gray area.
I guess my point was to shatter the idea that a business itself can not be racist, and my point is that I believe it can be comprised of a clear majority of devote racists, and therefor logically be racist.
Political correctness prevents open displays of racist feelings, but is a business comprised of mostly open racists a racist business? Yeah’ I think it is.
Is segregation racist?
Equal, but seperate?