That may be a good idea.
That was helpful, thanks!
Finally some advice on what to do if you think you have the Coronavirus.
From a news outlet rather than the CDC website.
Admittedly the CDC has to deal with a lot of illnesses…but I would think that, to calm panic (there’s no toilet paper or hand sanitizer in Seattle stores due to rushes on those items, apparently) they’d have a special page that would give exact symptoms rather than the dismissive 3 that they list.
I note that this thread has only 22 posts, but has been read over a thousand times. I think people are really interested to find out the exact symptoms they need to watch out for and ways to prevent getting it.
Basically, according to the news article if you think you’re sick, call your doctor. (Good luck talking to a real person - that doesn’t happen at any time!)
While I’d prefer single payer, within the current system I have health coverage through Kaiser Per., and they have a 24-hour advice nurse you can call. Its also nice having everything under one system. I’ve heard of people getting high bills because they go to the hospital or something and turns out like one person, like the anesthesiologist, isn’t covered by the insurance for some red tape reason.
That’s nice.
Whenever I try to call my mom’s doctor I just have to leave a message and her assistant gets back to me in a few hours.
I didn’t think of seeing if there was a nurse helpline at the hospital that we have here in town.
(Not that I’m worried about coronavirus in Cheyenne, but there’s other things I could get advice on if I could talk to an actual person immediately!)
Your welcone
A post was merged into an existing topic: Coronavirus Thread Political
“Heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who…” is not a great way to spread useful information.
The first problem with your post that makes me question we have enough evidence to suggest most people infected will get a really mild illness…probably nothing like the symptoms you wrote down here.
Second problem is we don’t need people self-diagnosing.
Wash your hands…often.
Take sensible precautions.
Simple as that.
At least we can agree on this, JayJay.
No kidding!
Do look at world health organisation (WHO) website - very informative
Seattle Federal Executive Board: Due to the local King County, coronavirus, public health emergency, and in accordance with guidance provided by local public health authorities, the S F E B recommends that, a policy of, UNSCHEDULED TELEWORK, and, UNSCHEDULED LEAVE, be put into effect, Thursday, March 5, and continue in effect until further notice.
FYI, the guidance alluded to is from King County Public Health. Please see their web page:
Hey we can have a big liberal progressive King county - Seattle freak out. LA, NYC, Portland, SF, Austin, et al are next
Agreed. It’s noteworthy that with the exception of immunization, everything that one should be doing to avoid contracting the flu, works equally well with COVID-19.
How then does it survive in a 98 degree human body?
Yup. Soap destroys the membrane that houses the DNA of bacteria. Once the cell is destroyed say bye-bye to the DNA.
Typically viruses are more resistant to disinfectants than bacteria, but coronavirus is an enveloped virus, so it has an outer membrane formed of oil and fat. All enveloped viruses are very susceptible to soaps and detergents, which explode the outer membranes, rendering them ineffective.
I feel sorry for them as well.
Lashes and prison time (if they can survive 74 which is a death sentence) for the doorknob lickers.
‘Such people would face two months to two years [in] jail and up to 74 lashes as punishment,’ Nowrozi added.
According to an article at the NY TImes, which I will link to even though its behind a paywall, but it’s part of an interview with a mathematician/author who studies the spread of diseases.
One signal to watch out for is if the first case in an area is a death or a severe case, because that suggests you had a lot of community transmission already. …Suppose the fatality rate for cases is about 1 percent, which is plausible. If you’ve got a death, then that person probably became ill about three weeks ago. That means you’ve probably had about 100 cases three weeks ago, in reality. In that subsequent three weeks, that number could well have doubled, then doubled, then doubled again. SO you’re currently looking at 500 cases, maybe a thousand cases.
About noon I looked at the Johns Hopkins map tracking the virus and there were 206 reported cases in the US. Now 5 hours later there’s 221. (Only 12 have died, though.) Which means there’s actually probably over 1,000 cases, and more as will become evident when the new testing kits start being employed.
98 degrees is average. Some people have lower temps.
Elderly people typically like it hot…but the heat doesn’t seem to be doing them any good…
No one living has a body temperature of 78-80, which it is claimed will kill the virus, yet it infects people with body temperatures around 98. Seems like a major disconnect to me.