Supreme Court opens door to allow massive flood of foreign nationals to jump border

of course it would. starting with the parents who caused the problem to begin with.

I guess it’s just like the “anchor baby” crap . . . and in the end American citizens are stuck paying the bill!

This kind of crap needs to end!

Yeah they are.

Except for the polling.

Needs bigger font

Also i don’t care. As you noted in the thread you tried to derail. There are important things to discuss regardless of thread. Or some such.

Huh? He’s very vocal about it.

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The poster in question just loves to make stuff up. I wonder why.


Today’s Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, in addition to Facebook, Twitter, Politico, Snopes, Fact Check… ETC., and countless Yellow Journalists who are socialist revolutionaries ___ make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the old Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.

Hi i am right here.

You guys are still mixing daca and illegals. Nobody wonders why but the polling diverges no matter how many links you post.

Do you remember the following?^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1521504225641078791|twgr^|twcon^s1_&


So how do the people of Texas feel about Biden overturning Trump’s immigration policies? See the following.

He didn’t say that they are all bad dudes. They are all poverty stricken, overwhelming majority poorly educated, low skilled and don’t speak English. Some will also have health issues, disabilities, and criminal records. We don’t need need a president who’s more than happy to invite all the world’s poverty and problems into the country, we already have enough don’t you think?

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Both of my Grandparents were poor and didn’t speak English when they arrived in the US. And they did pretty well for themselves. The “open border” talking point isn’t true. And our immigration laws are still some of the toughest in the world. Look up the statistics on how many get their day in court and how many are refused and returned. It hasn’t changed much over the last three decades. And our real immigration problem remains that over 40% of illegals do not cross the southern border. They come here and overstay their Visas. And while every administration tries their best to combat this, the real problem is that Congress will not put up the funds to staff those departments that address this problem. And immigration is still the “hot potato” that Congress will not come to grips with.

Over the last 18 months that 40% number is substantially smaller.

What’s the probability that someone, specifically with a family, who’s impoverished, poorly educated, with no marketable skills and doesn’t speak English is going to be successful in a modern industrialized economy? This is 2022 not 1920.

Good. I will admit that I have not looked at the numbers for some time. If you have a link to recent numbers it would be appreciated. I would sure like to see that percentage go way down. From what I have read I.C.E. seems to be horribly understaffed and not well managed. I was not happy with all the talk about breaking it down and rebuilding it with there being very little conversation about how it would be rebuilt.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Name one thing the Biden Administration has done to stem the flow of migration to the Southern border?

It is difficult for any POTUS to enact anything that will stem the flow of migration to our borders. Biden did put Harris in charge of a program to see how we might assist the internal dealings of Central and South America countries where folks are fleeing from because of their policies. But that is not guaranteed to provide either a quick fix or long term solution. In many cases the government’s of those countries are not going to crack down on the violence that is the majority cause of folks leaving.

The percentage of visa overstays is much more a function of what’s going on at the Southern border. I would assume that the number of people offered visas is a fixed number each year and completely controlled. In other words when Trump virtually shut down illegal immigration at the Southern border the percentage of people here illegally who overstayed their visas went up.

In other words NOTHING!