Super Bowl LVIII

Finally, the day is upon us.

I’m tired of this ■■■■ , folks. It’s like every other year, it’s Chiefs parade this, and Royals parade that!

I’m tired of all this partying. No more, PLEASE!!


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chiefs by 3


in A barnburner.


Chiefs -27

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Anybody here part of this group?

This year I took a personal day because I have more days than I know what to do with. But in the past, I use to call out sick on Super Bowl Monday.

I took a vacation day tomorrow…Last year, knowing I’m a KC fan, my supervisor asked if I’ll be in the next day…I said “I’m planning on it”… But I banged in, technically I didn’t lie …lol

He sure is! :rofl:


Interesting response. “I’m planning on it” could be taken two different ways.

At my work Superbowl Monday used to be the worst day of the year for call ins but since the entire org moved to work at home, its no longer an issue.

A large section of employees now have to go into the office one day a week but we can choose the day, I suspect tomorrow it will be pretty empty.

Oh good, Kansas City is doing everything they can to make sure we don’t have to party again. :rofl:

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the coverage on nickelodeon is top notch

Ooh! KC up by 2 on a come from behind score!

Unfortunately it’s with 2 minutes to go in the 3rd. :sunglasses:

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NOOOOOOO, not another parade!! :rofl:

Tie game … Three seconds. Fans are getting their money’s worth.

Some of those tickets were over $100,000. :rofl:

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Taylor can afford it. :wink:

Aww maaaaaaaaaan! :rofl:

KC from behind with 6 seconds left. But up by 3 not 2. Not bad if I do say myself. :sunglasses:

With the new OT rules, why would you choose to receive if you won the coin toss? Every advantage is to the kicking team.

The receiving team can’t beat you with their possession. If they make any mistake, you can win with a score. Even if they get a TD, you can match it, and you have 4 downs on every series. The 49ers had to know the new rules, right?

Is the pledge said by children or adults? Why?