Stop the Coup D'état!

Yes. They did too. Its what most of them ran on in 2018

You dont seriously believe that Q crap?

It isn’t that big of a transition from Pizzagate.

Go ask the Republican majority in the House at the time.

Remember 2010 was touted as the biggest Red Wave ever? Tea Partiers?

Let’s start from first principles: is there provision within the USA for the House of Reps to impeach a sitting President of the USA? Did the House of Reps impeach Trump based on what is in the USA constitution?

It is an intriguing concept to assert that following the USA constitution is treasonous.

And the very salient fact that Trump has been impeached by the House of Reps.

oh boy did you misspell “abusing”

without an impeachable offense, sharply along party lines

impeachment with an asterisk. lol

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“impeachment with an asterisk”

and thats not enough. they will continue to hound him over the stupidest things, esp if he wins next year

Inquiring minds, that is to say my mind, would like to know whether there was it the Democratic Party or Republican Party that had a majority in the House of Reps at the time?

@sikofit did you omit to mention that that occurred more recently than the election of Trump?

Especially since treason is the only crime specifically defined in the Constitution- and what’s been described here ain’t it.

Wasn’t the Republican John Boehner speaker of the House of Reps in 2011? I don’t claim to be an expert but isn’t it the norm that the Speaker comes from the party that has a majority in the House of Reps?

The Democrats have a new problem. In the past they were able to genuinely blackmail Republican individuals by threatening to reveal their unethical and illegal behaviours. But they have been confronted now with a POTUS who has no skeletons in his closet, so they are forced to manufacture evidence and twist facts into the appearance of wrongdoing. Only, the fakeness of their false narratives is becoming too obvious to too many citizens. And they are painting themselves publicly as venal hypocrites. The more they lie, the more obvious it becomes that they are lying; and they can’t use the truth, because the truth exonerates and elevates Trump.

That won’t stop them trying to erect a Trump- indicting facade in these forums. But no one with any insight is buying what they are selling.


It is far easier and more accurate to ague that this is a soft coup than it is to argue president Trump abused his Presidential authority.

Simple really.



Not really because the fact is that D Trump has been impeached by the House of Reps as per the USA constitution.

“soft coup”

You guys are precious.

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Looking at the actions and evidence it is clear Trump has not been justly accused of an actual impeachable offense…after tolerating 2.5 years of questionable election acts and not being charged there.


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Did you watch the House of Reps impeachment inquiry/hearing live?