Stop calling it Biden presidency

Jasón Miller says. :joy:

Have either Cheney or Lebron ever expressed the desire to be president ? Do either possess staff and fundraising apparatus where they could easily launch a national campaign should they decide to do so ?

Cheney ran for Vice President twice and won. So he clearly strives for power. The rest is self explanatory with regards to him. He certainly could if he wanted to.

Lebron has been getting more and more political as of late. A lot of stupidity on his part but nevertheless it too is not out of realm of possibility

I am being silly btw. There is no chance any of those three ever run.

in an article published by right wing nut Newsweek

Citing Jasón Miller

I actually thought you may have been talking about Liz. Liz could maybe run in the future.

As far as Dick, he didn’t really “run”. Bush picked his in charge of VP-hiring committee and he decided to hire himself after impressing himself in a job interview.

But, he didn’t even want to run for the big seat after Bush and that was like 13 years and 5 heart procedures ago. :grimacing:

Yeah that’s on me lol.

Bush didn’t pick anything. Come on now. He was nowhere near as dumb as media painted him to but without going on a tangent he didn’t pick squat.

I’m saying, Cheney picked himself.

Ah sorry totally misread that lol

Hence you perpetuate what you claim to be against. :wink:

Nonsense. It is perpetuated whether I support it or not. I am not going to throw my vote away just because the choices suck. I will be heard with my vote.

Why can’t you guys recognize that 2 things can be true at the same time? Or that we can hold competing thoughts in our heads?

Your vote is worthless anyway if you’re just throwing it to whoever you’re comman(D)ed to. :wink:


More nonsense.

Yeah, being trapped in that corner does look like it sucks. Feel free to move around now, my job here is done. lol

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Deliberate misinterpretation and willfull ignorance are a job? Good for you. I guess.

yes. impt enough for Nweek to publish

wonder why…

Click bait

Hey wait…wasn’t Trump supposed to “lock her up?”

Just another example in his long list of failures. :grin:

They were your words - you vote as you’re told. You have no voice of your own. :wink:


Right on. Keep on following your orange kingmaker