Stocks and oil in free fall

what the US should do is tell Saudi arabia in no uncertain terms that they have to cut oil production no matter what russia does. tell MBS that is they dont the US will cut them off from all US aid,close our bases there and block saudi imports into the US

I suspect that polling would be a bit higher among our forum dems. :roll_eyes:

The time is coming I’m not sure about tomorrow though. My friend just bought alot today and is not happy to see futures drop.

All completely expected as long as industrial production and passenger travel remain suppressed due to the outbreak.

Histrionic panic mongering. As soon as we start to see a steady decline in new cases the markets will begin a steady rise.

As soon as industrial production resumes heading back to pre outbreak levels and passenger travel opens up again the markets are going to shoot through the roof.

Why the hell would we ant to do that? Lower petroleum prices will cripple the Russians.

the will cripple the US a lot more than the russians or the saudis.

$30 oil will basically shut down the permian and eagle ford in texas.
massive bankrupcys
banks have large exposure to energy loans.
that will seriously hurt the banks
the energy sector estimated that bernies fracking ban would cost over 7 million jobs.
$30 oil will have the same effect since fracking will shut down

Hogwash, Petroleum drives the entire Russian economy and it’s where the vast majority of both profits and taxes paid in Russia come from.

Low oil prices hurt our energy sector but since we’re the world’s largest consumer of petroleum that effect is more than offset on the consumer side.


Anyone else getting tired of all this winning?


as shale dies so will low prices.
without shale drilling us oil production can easily drop by 30-50% in 18 months. that would cause prices to spike.
and without a stable oil price any new shale driller wont be able to get financing.

so the end result will be much higher oil prices and all atht money going to russia and SA

There will be a period of sidewise movement - a few months at least - until some positive earnings come in.

air travel is also sticky - it took a long time to come back after 9/11. Might be the case here as well.

I sure hope you are right though.

My business can survive say 3 months of sidewise action from here, but any lower, and any longer than that, and I’m n big, big trouble.

In other words

“As soon as the things bringing down the market start going away, the market will start rising”



Shale isn’t dying, as soon as the demand drives prices back up they’ll be going back to work.

Barring a major even like this there simply isn’t a glut in petroleum world wide when industry and travel are pumping along at normal rates.

Not likely. As soon as the outbreak begins to wane passenger travel and industrial production will start to rise.

That falling knife is sharp! Most of the commentary on this says the bottom would not be a sharp V so I am personally going to wait for some stability.

hope so. but most recoveries don’t happen like this. maybe this will be the first.

So how long do you expect them to produce oil at a loss?

Yeah same…i think we will weather it for a bit before layoffs happen.

Funny you post this. Is this was real trump would be gone and replaced already

2014 all over again