Steele Dossier correct yet again - Cohen was in Prague in the Summer of '16

Because Steele, as a clever spy, left a replacement among Cohen’s possessions while the original phone was taken to Prague. Elementary, my dear LucyLou!

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It is unclear to me whether it is illegal to go to Prague.

It used to be illegal to go to Cuba.

I wouldn’t go to either place, but the information would set my mind at ease.

Jeremiah Wright just called to say hello.

Google is your friend.

If I was a TV personality and somebody sent me a gift, I would at least send a thank you note.

Thank you. I’m sorry.

Google says that Prague is full of pickpockets.

The “pee tapes” really don’t matter at all.

Only one assertion in the Steele dossier has been contradicted – a report of a meeting at a Russian energy company with a senior Russian executive had the wrong senior executive identified. There have been no other refutations.

The bulk of the assertions about political and business dealings with Russia have been supported. The sexual material has not been verified but neither has been disconfirmed, but the sexual material does not matter because it adds nothing to our understanding.

There are two substantial assertions in the dossier’s sexual materials. The first is that Donald Trump was unfaithful to his wife Melania. The second is that the nature of his infidelity provided compromising materials that the Russians could use to influence Trump’s policy decisions.

As to the first, we have several reliable confirmations of Trump’s infidelity while on American soil, so whether or not he was unfaithful in Moscow would not change that judgement. As with Bill Clinton’s infidelities in his marriage, I think this is a private matter for the Trump’s to work out as they wish, not a public issue.

As to the second, once it became clear that candidate Trump had been lying about his ongoing efforts to build Trump Tower Moscow during the Presidential campaign, that provided confirmation that the Russians had compromising material on him. Whether the compromising material was economic or sexual is of no importance.

It does however help to explain why Trump has shifted American policy to support the interests of the Putin regime… there are half a dozen disturbing examples.

In the end, the “pee tape” is irrelevant because the underlying issue is the conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian interests to influence the election.

President Trump is correct that there was no collusion. Collusion is not a concept in the US penal code or the Constitution. Since collusion does not exist in the law, there can be no collusion, by default.

However, the prima facie case for a conspiracy is undeniable, which I suppose is why the President keeps trying to change the subject to collusion. Collusion plays the role for Trump that the pee tape plays for a lot of his opponents… it’s a distraction.


Probably one of the most astute analyses I’ve seen on the dossier here in quite a while.

I like you new guy.

Yes there have been many illegal crimes exposed by the Dossier that have now been verified. Much of which reside in the indictments of the GRU by the SCO.

When will people stop bringing up that COMPLETELY DEBUNKED Dossier?

Why when it’s actually debunked of course!

welcome poster

And building a tower is perfectly legal and ethical. If there was something wrong with that, then the Obama administration should have made it illegal.
So what illegal conspiracy has been proven?

As far as Trump having a less antagonistic position towards the worlds second most powerful nuclear power, yes…you could say that as true.

The one “example” you keep hearing is about taking out of the Republican platform loading Ukraine down with offensive weapons…something that didn’t make sense to do in the first place and was not part of the Democratic platform. I call it common sense.

If, for example, the source of that information recanted his/her story. Or if it came out that someone else was involved in something like the events described, and it seems obvious they had the wrong celebrity ID’ed. Something like that.

I know what you mean, but the other way of asking this question is - how many things in teh Dossier have been proven to be right? How many are left unproven?

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THAT is ■■■■■■■ hilarious. :rofl: :rofl: Especially the way that Trump supporters have repeatedly claimed that absolutely nothing in the Dossier is true and has all been disproved.

:rofl: :rofl:

Of course there is nothing illegal about making a real estate investment in Moscow. Just as there is nothing illegal about selling a Canadian owned US uranium mining company to Russian interests with the approval of the US government.

However, financing a Moscow real estate investment through VTB – a bank that is sanctioned by the US government – is illegal. Offering Vladimir Putin a $50 million penthouse apartment for free to gain his approval of the project and his prestige for other tenants is illegal under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. But the primary issue is not even these apparent violations of the law; it is that Donald Trump as a candidate told the American people that he had no business dealings in Russia. This lie made him vulnerable to Russian influence, a position no American President should ever be in.

The Republicans changed their platform to drop all questioning of Russian expansion into the Ukraine, but if that is the only thing you have heard about you have not been listening much. Perhaps you did not notice that Donald Trump announced the end of the American presence in Syria last week, a move that solidified Russian influence in the region. Certainly the praise for this move from Moscow was extensive and a contrast with the criticism of the move on both sides of the aisle in the United States. I assume you did not hear about the sanctions that the administration waived last week in exchange for… nothing. #Art of the Deal… not.


I guess its a good thing, then, that Trump didn’t finance a tower in Russia using VTB or offer Putin a $50M penthouse…the obvious purpose of which would be to draw other wealthy Russians, not some bribe.

As to tying in the Republican platform or Syria withdrawl, I suggest you prove a connection to personal agreements with Putin. Otherwise, we are talking about Glenn Beck types of connecting line diagrams on a chalk board.

That “lie” made him vulberable to Russia? There was not Trump tower deal, so not business dealings going on. Nor is Trump particularly devistated by being caught in a lie.

At this point what difference does it make?

Pee tapes, or none of it happened.