I am going to respectfully disagree with the Russian government's recent announcement

You’d think bobby would have revealed that by now. Guess he doesn’t love our country.

Do svidaniya.

10 nopes.

No making stuff up.

Well that’s genuinely amusing, that you have to pretend.

I am using Guiliani’s statement as an illustration that Donald Trump has lied a hundred times when he said “no collusion.”

Do you really think that one hundred and one meetings that took place all were carried out in ignorance of Donald Trump. You must think he is a total fool. As the leader, he has responsibility for what underlings do.

There was a comment that his request for Russian assistance was a joke. Even if it was, that was setting the tone for his staff.

Robert Mueller, ex-Marine should not have his patriotism criticized by you. Unlike many, he appears to operate with a sincere respect for the law.

And get a cyrillic font if you want to carry out a conversation in Russian, tovarich!

He’s not making anything up

He is making stuff up.

And I stick by that. Pee tapes, or none of it happened.

Thanks for proving that @TommyLucchese about you shifting from “he didn’t do any of it” to “so what he/s still you’re President”

Also lots of the dossier has been proven to have happened while not a single thing has been disproven

Steele presented the dossier was uncorroborated Intell so there is no reason to make the whole edifice rest on one allegation. As I have said in a couple of posts, the pee tape is irrelevant. It supports two allegations: that Donald Trump is unfaithful to his wife and that he is susceptible to Russian blackmail.

Both assertions have been confirmed. There are at least two American women whose silence was purchased by Trump to hide his affairs. And the Trump Tower Moscow lies give the Russians the kompromat to blackmail him. Besides, the payoff to Ms. Daniels shows Trump can be blackmailed over his sexual efforts.

Just to show some objectivity. One assertion in the Steele dossier has been disproven. There was a meeting at Rosnoft between a Trump campaign official and a Rosnoft exec. Steele’s source named the wrong executive.

The sexual material in the dossier has been neither confirmed nor disconfirmed.

An ardent Trump supporter at my workplace said “better to be aligned with Russia, than to have Hillary as president”.

I think that’s very disturbing. I wish a poling agency would take a read on that sentiment. :flushed:

Straining at gnats, swallowing camels.

Plus it’s against the tos of this site.

What a perfect example of the upside-down world in which we find ourselves!

The Russians apparently didn’t see it as a joke.

More like an opportunity.

Bumping this thread because.

I stand by my initial post as the reasons why the Mueller probe was necessary.

I hope it goes down in history as an excellent example of how our judicial process works despite the constant insults from the President who claimed it was a witch-hunt conducted by angry Democrats.


Ya to some, but looking at some recent polling on the topic (before Barr’s announcemt) it looks like with the majority its going to to go down as a failed witch hunt brought on by the democrats who couldn’t accept they lost the 2016 election.

In two years, there will be so many other investigations/cases across other matters plus the lawsuits moving forward against the President, this may have faded substantially. Trump would have to avoid generating new outrages and that has not been his approach.