States Trump Off/On the Ballot

A step closer to Venezuela everyday.


No, Mike Pence didn’t allow that to happen.

And yet MAGA despises him for that.

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And a step further From Norway.

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Big steps.

Not baby steps.

sorry but this sums up state of affairs


awe damn…. people in Virginia get to decide their government officials instead of the govt themselves. there goes democracy.

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How can Democracy possibly be saved with voters actually being given the opportunity to vote for the candidate of their choice without a nitwit Secretary of State and a bunch of democrats in black robes determining the outcome in advance?

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I’m beginning to think this game may not work.

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they’ll find one that does. they’re just getting started

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Ain’t that too bad.
I know you’d like to see them curled up in a fetal position sucking on a sippy cup.
If Trump has a gripe he has a right to push it through.
You, who swears by your love for the ‘Democracy’, should help him.

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democratic party.


America loves the outlaw and the underdog.

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Ha ha ha…she is a ■■■■■■■ idiot.

Maine SoS: I Found Trump Guilty of Thing He Wasn’t Charged with Using a Lower Standard ‘Different’ from a Trial Maine SoS: I Found Trump Guilty of Thing He Wasn't Charged with Using a Lower Standard 'Different' from a Trial


She’s coming unraveled.


i think people are seeing what is really going on, at least some. the others know what’s going on but they depend on it

i predict this ■■■■■■■■ will continue in some form or another until his campaign is bankrupt, or he’s off ballots, or electoral college shenanigans, or a congress composed of loon democrats will refuse to seat him (many house dems tried this in 2016/2017 before insurrection was cool) if they have to let people vote for him and he beats the rig margin

there’’ll be something

trump back in WH is not an option for these bastards

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oh good gawd….

mental illness of leftism in positions of influence…… sickening.

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ha. oh you’ll see. you ain’t seen nothing yet

if this outright election interference continues it may boost his polls even higher. then look out

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They are trying real hard to get him reelected.


i honestly cannot wait to see how brazen this gets.

but i predict soon his polls (as will be reported) are going to take a dive

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