States Trump Off/On the Ballot

Look at how scared these ■■■■■■■ are of losing a fair election to their Orange Aphrodisiac. These retards are only getting worse from here on out. :rofl:


Should we start taking bets on when the Supreme Court will get involved? I know the federal court in Colorado kicked it back down and Colorado and Maine both included provisions to put it on hold to give upper courts a chance to rule before going into effect.

Why no ruling yet?

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It’s New Year’s Eve.

The federal district court remanded it back to the state court in September and the Headnote for the state court’s ruling was posted December 19th. Maybe the district courts don’t give a heads-up to the Supremes.

I’m sure the ephors are watching it.

At what point would they draw the line in their attempt to get Trump?

There is no line.

“By any means necessary…”

They will have to kill him then.

They might.

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Wouldn’t it be cool if it ended up 25 on 25 off.

Maybe he’ll just be a loser. Again.

Maybe he’s just going to lose. Again.


Won’t rule that out.

Heaven knows the media is working OT for that outcome. Exactly why all the election fraud is so counterproductive.

If it’s what you say, I love it.

Also, he’s probably going to lose. Again.

You seem less confident that the fix is in than Pelosi was.
Ill watch …if the count stops at 0400 AM…that will be a dog whistle to the underlings to go to the plan B.
Or Biden will win by default if they mannage to throw Trump in jail.
Either one…
NO sane D would go with Biden on his merits only.

I am also guessing…Biden will ‘suddenly’ get ‘ill’ and someone else will step in in the last minute.

NO…NO sane D would be this reckless with an election like this one without a plan B.

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I would believe you if there wasn’t this mad rush to use ANY desparate means to NOT let him run.
Talk about agony…it’s so visible you can bite into it.


they will do what must be done to keep him out of the WH. no matter how brazen or obvious (it’s already to that point really). his supporters will complain, his haters wont care. nothing will be done. just look at the level of unhinged seethe in this thread alone (lol). people like that are at the switches and levers of all the processes. people like that are scanning/counting ballots….there’s no moral obligation bigger than stopping him. esp with power at stake

anyway we’ll see what that means in the coming year.


wouldn’t rule it out. he prob costs corrupt chinese and other global us gravy train interests billions with his trade stance. keeping putin at bay. costing iran C5 loads of cash……

pressure on poor mexico (and other ■■■■ hole countries) to stop flooding the US with their trash….

not even mentioning who he pisses off in US (fbi, cia…. whew)


Plot thickens!

The Supreme Court is the one glitch in the Democrat’s use of government agencies and the Domocrat dominated portions of the judicial system to get Trump and there’s NOTHING they can do about it…except cry.