States Trump Off/On the Ballot

Media are trying to spin this that “Trump’s SCOTUS picks” are going to protect him. If there is protection from Constitutional abuse, it’s not because of who picked which SCOTUS justices, but rather that the justices are making sure the Constitution is not being abused. It would be sad if the ruling isn’t 9-0, because Constitutional abuse is what’s happening here, and each and every Justice is appointed to uphold the Constitution.


There is no good answer to this. The fact that it was Roberts who asked it should tell us something.

"Chief Justice John Roberts questioned Colorado’s attorney Jason Murray about the “consequences” of the state’s position.

“What do you do with consequences of your position? There will be disqualification proceedings on the other side, and some will succeed in very quick order, I would expect that a goodly number of states will say whoever the Democrat is, you’re off the ballot,” he said. “It would then come down to a small number of states deciding the election. That’s a pretty severe consequence.”


Let me guess the answer from Co.


How is that any different than the Right media saying the “liberal judges” on his other cases are biased against him, so it’s not a fair trial?

It’s not different.

What I look for is a judge who sticks to the Constitution. Doesn’t matter if Biden appointed him or Bush. There shouldn’t be “liberal” and “conservative”. There should only be Constitutional.

It’s a media/political construct really, the liberal-conservative distinctions. An honorable judge shouldn’t insert his/her political bias in any judgment. It’s sad that some do.

In that light, I’ll repeat this:

You are right, but I think it will be 8-1. And you know who the one will be.

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Yeah. Sotomeyer is a total partisan.

The SCOTUS will protect the SCOTUS

Very bad pick. I am of the belief that the Puerto Rican culture is incompatible with the position.


That’s an interesting observation. How did you come to that “cultural” conclusion?

I have studied the various Latino cultures extensively. And of course the various US cultures, government, etc.

It is a corollary of American Nations. Country/region of origin, geography, etc.

Puerto Rico is a unique culture. Very unique, even among other Latino cultures.

Of course being US citizens by treaty is a contributing factor.

There’s a missing sense of accountability thread running through it.

i love when you guys pretend you didnt want the thing youre doing


Oh i am sure of us guys wanted it but we don’t all look like no matter how hard you try to make it seem so.

But stellar stroke with that brush.

Free and Clear quote from “Whoopi Goldberg” thread:

“Why is it idiotic? It’s the exact same thing that’s been said over and over again by your side including telling people to move to an area where they can afford housing and lower cost of living
The interest were higher during the bush admin when the right was shouting form the rafters about the lazy millennials who should go get a job and afford houses later in life
The only difference is who is saying it. That’s what you guys don’t like.”


oh i know. no trump hater ever wanted that. whew. thank heavens huh?

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ha. how ‘bout that

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And what did i say afterwards?

I was just congratulating you on reforming.


Except i admit my errors.

:blush:. Nice!