Whoopie Goldberg is a Dumbass

The cast of the View are indeed stupid but Whoopi and Behar take the cake.

Never will forget Whoopi saying “They should make Jill Biden Surgeon General because she’s one hell of a medical Doctor”.



“My side” has never said that. Perhaps you are confused as to whom is “my side”.
“My side” is not the side that told a lot of soon to be unemployed coal miners they needed to go learn to code.

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This is a ludicrous position for you to take. To deny decades of mantra.

The fact that the left said something about coal miners learning to code doesn’t change the simple fact that get a job do better in life buy a house in an area you can afford is something that is still said over and over by your side

Quote me as sayin somewhere the high cost of housing was due to young people expecting too much too soon. At most, you might find a quote of mine where I wondered how people could afford first time houses at the current prices, which is kind of the opposite.

Nobody has ever said that because that’s not what’s being discussed. Primarily because that doesn’t make any sense - for expectations to drive price of housing upwards.

Then quote me using whatever mantra you imagine I said for decades. Let’s hear it.

Your side is the one who said that, not “my side”. As far as the statement goes, it is good advice as far as it goes except when it buries the fact that in a certain economy it may not be practical. House inflation may outpace the inflation of salaries, making this a more difficult solution for more people. Your side should be more nuanced.

Because Whoopi Goldberg said it.

Sounds kind of boot strappy to me…Does the Right no longer believe in that?

Apparently never did

We are not allowed nuance. Any nuance is now declared as spin

The statement is fine. The issue for you guys is who said it. I get it

I said your side. Bootstrapping is conservative dogma.

No. “You guys”, not “my guys”.

Bootstrapping is a leftist thing now?

Because that’s what’s she advocating. Bootstrapping.

Are you a leftist then? Is that “your side”?

I do not associate myself with a side that ignores the effect of general economic conditions. “Bootstrapping” works differently in the 1950s than in the 1930s. As I said, your side needs more nuance.

Good. That doesn’t change the fact that bootstrapping is conservative mantra regardless of whether your accept it on a personal level.

I sometimes forget that outside a certain topic you are a reasonable rational poster. That’s on me

As I said, you may be confused as to my side or whose beliefs I am required to accept as my own. You leftists do that, you know.

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I meant the right and that doesn’t mean that you personally have to agree with everything the right said just admit that they have said it. I wasnt trying to make it about you.

I certainly hope so.

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This most certainly has been a conservative principle. Bootstrap. Whatever you want to call it. If you want more, work harder for it. I’m surprised to see it coming from Whoopi.

I think the (conservative) reaction to her statement is not so much about the bootstrapping as it is about the attempt to gloss over conditions caused by Bidenomics.

She’s taking just as much flack from the Left for being insensitive.


Every era has its inherent conditions, and someone who wants to buy a house needs to deal with whatever conditions exist. Whether it’s Bidenomics today, or the real estate collapse of 2008, or the misery index of 1980, there are ways to get it done – if you want to get it done.

Regardless of Whoopi’s agenda for saying what she did, her statement is spot on.


First- deliberately destroy an economy. Drive inflation and interest rates so high that near two third of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and have no savings or resources. Credit card debt in America is now over a trillion dollars.

Second- destroy the bread and butter jobs of manufacturing and energy production that million of Americans could get without college degrees. Jobs that paid well and supported families. Destroy these jobs to pursue a “green” agenda

Third- government take over of the student loan industry, which did the same thing to tuition rates that every other government take over does. It drives costs to ridiculous levels because institutions know government pockets are endlessly deep and the government never defaults.

Fourth- deliberately diminishing the number of other types of higher paying jobs and making the education necessary to obtain those jobs much more expensive and simultaneously importing foreign nationals to also diminish the number of lower paying jobs available.

Fifth- cultivating an attitude of entitlement among citizens, especially the young ones necessary to step into the lower paying menial jobs to gain work experience, and providing payments to them to eliminate the need for them to work.

Sixth- when confronted with the consequences of the policies you’ve supported, go on national television and ignorantly and hypocritically repudiate those policies by recommending a remedy for those consequences that you’ve also made near impossible by supporting those policies to begin with!

Seventh- blame Trump, accept lavish accolades from the left…

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