State of Union speech to go on

Can Nancy walk into the Oval Office anytime she wants?

It takes a joint resolution passed by both houses to have a joint session for the stare of the union.

They will lock the doors, turn off the lights, draw the curtains and pretend that no one is home.

The President doesn’t have the right to have the floor of the House any time he wants.

That is just how it is.

The fantasy is dems sitting in the house behind a locked doors… That would be hilarious…

Yes, the speaker of the house has to invite the President into the house through a resolution passed by the house and senate.

If he is not invited and comes anyway, he is trespassing and should be arrested. The same way I can’t just walk into my neighbor’s house uninvited.

l o l

Dude. You’re outta your element here.

She is the Speaker of the House.

That is what gives her the power.

It would be hilarious. It doesn’t change the reality that she has the power to not let him in.

Or cross the border illegally. Oh, wait dems love illegals, so… Trump will just be an illegal then, and you have to give him asylum as requested…lol!

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The Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives.

which you’ve never read…

And you will approve of this type of ■■■■ once the tables have turned? The never ending Gobstoppers is bad for both sides… duh.

Maybe the Republicans will request asylum for Trump!

Lib drama…do libs ever tire of it?


There’s no need to project your ignorance onto me. I have read the the House rules. Senate rules, too.

The Libs do tire of it, but Cons seem to crave it.

You said a wrong thing cratic, it’s OK to acknowledge you were wrong.

Or even don’t acknowledge it.

But now lashing out at the people who corrected the wrong thing you said? That’s silly.

House Rules:


3. (a) The Sergeant-at-Arms shall attend the House during its sittings and maintain order under the direction of the Speaker or other presiding officer.
The Sergeant-at-Arms shall execute the commands of the House, and all processes issued by authority thereof, directed to the Sergeant-at-Arms by
the Speaker.

They crave it and praise it when the president acts this way. This is what they want, even if it is a bit embarrassing to admit.

Yeah…there’s no drama in attempting to keep the POTUS from delivering the SOTU address…none…nada…zilcho.

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Gonna be hard to label Dems as drama queens when you elected a reality TV star.

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