Until 2015 it was common the name flu outbreaks for where they originated. In 2015 however the who decided that was racist and xenophobic so it might hurt people’s feelings.
I think SARS and H1N1 are accepted nomenclature. Most people, including most epidemiologists, were calling this coronavirus, which became COVID-19 pretty quickly.
I think more likely they call it that
because that’s what everyone else is calling it. But by all means, provide links to substantiate this origin theory of yours.
That’s the most hilarious self-own I’ve read on here in a while. I had to go through a quarter of the timeline to get to Hong Kong flu, then better than halfway through to find Asian flu, the only other example you cited. There were many references to communicable disease names that I listed, which didn’t include a country of origin.
and that is because the Chinese have the current secretary by the testicles. check out just how much chinese business interests and monetary interests are in the poor dude’s country. their capital is called the city that china built.
If you choose to ignore a government that lied, covered up, made large, avoidable mistakes, that are costing the world very dearly right now…that’s your choice but in this life, that’s not how I roll. First…I identify the problem. Then examine how best to fix it…and then do it. China is a problem.
China lies so far 27198 dead 590 3291 total confirmed cases.
We’ve got at least a month ago so If numbers whole true we’re looking at well over 5 million total victims, with at least a hundred fifty to two hundred thousand dead boring some intervention.
It’s okay though give China a pass and blame Trump…