State Dept. blows up G-7 statement


then why is trump freaking out about GM not making ventilators on twitter?

Why don’t we have enough masks?

Why don’t we have enough tests?

You’ll have to ask Trump.

Don’t we?

Don’t we?

China owns this this pandemic and is 100% responsible for the cost

Ownership and responsibility .

Had Trump been listening to you at the time we’d have five to ten million cases in the US right now.

So much for your self declared Insider industry expertise and knowledge

As opposed to you and yours scapegoating Trump when we all know that China were the WHO are to blame?

Adams course is completely untrue the CDC have been making offers to go to China and help them way back in early December. China refused their entry and their help and did the same with the same offers it came from WHO.

Even though china hit identified the first patients in late October or early November they didn’t even bother reporting to the who until January 1st if there was even an outbreak of a strange pneumonia.

It was January 7th before CDC China even reported the Coronavirus.

China did not report any deaths from this virus until January 9th.

CDC had been working on a test for two or three weeks but they were still waiting for the genetic information from the Chinese who would not release it.

Completely true, but at the same time it’s completely dismissed because H1N1 was" just the flu".

Just how many times do we have to prove this screed completely false?

If President Trump had to you and January we’d have at least five or six million more cases in the US currently and tens of thousands of deaths.

That’s not what the timeline you linked to says. It says patient zero was hospitalized December 16th

More has been learned

Then you shouldn’t of used the timeline as evidence 35 mins down if it wasnt correct


By all means write them a letter and tell them they need to update the timeline I am sure that would be their first priority right now.

What a silly deflection. They forced you to link to their timeline as proof?

Provide a link to a more complete timeline.

Also while Obama did not declare a national health emergency, he DID call a public health emergency within two days of the first cases OVERALL being diagnosed…that activated more activity than has happened in the first three months here.

You knew this to be completely false when you typed it.

Why then did you ?

So you linked to a faulty timeline.:man_shrugging: It’s okay, not that big of a deal

I provided links to the most accurate information I can find.

What is it you have provided?

Just curious: where is it mandated that a disease’s name must include the country of origin? The only others I can think of off the top of my head are Spanish flu and German measles.

If you think this is a sincere effort to be “accurate” rather than transparent demagoguery to demonize the “other”, you’re just lying to yourself.