State Dept. blows up G-7 statement

Consider it a nickname like stink bug.

Like I said, in informal settings he can call it anything he wants. I’m sure he will. However, expecting foreign governments to accept and use his personal nickname for the virus is unreasonable. It has an official name. They’re going to use the official name for official matters.

Because Trump is a natural born victim.

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That’s a simply short sighted argument that fails to address actual reasons for calling it by name of origin. I’ve given you actual reasons for naming it by country of origin, and you’ve built two straw men as your argument to tear down. The first was CEC talking points. ■■■■■■■■ . It’s the same argument I formulated the first time this was batted around, check my posts.

In 3 years, we’ll continue to be reliant on cheap Chinese labor to bring our products to market, and we can suffer another round of pandemic because of the left’s fears of offending someone.

And none of your reasons align with literally every organization that matters in the pandemic.

Well it matters to Trump supporters… which is all I need to know.

Different issue.

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The reason is below what we expect from children

I know libs love China…and yes I have political agenda.

But you know the difference between you and I? I admit it.

Now be a good soldier and go out and help China cash in on that virus they spread around the world.

“China creates the poison and sells the solution to it,” foreign affairs expert Gordon Chang told Fox News.

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Your point is sound.

I prefer to hold China to account for it’s poor transparency.

Some nomenclature publicity will suffice for today.

What is more important and why?

  • Renaming a virus to remind people where the virus came from? (and honestly, who doesn’t know where the virus came from)
  • Standing with our global allies in issuing a statement to combat the global effects of this virus?

Add Spain and Italy to the list of countries adding domestic production capacity.

China will lose a lot of export business down the road.

Well then that’s racist. They should side with minority’s.

Only issue. You’ve concocted your own.

But… reasons. I’m convinced.

He’s been doing that for 3 years.

And is the top reason he might get reelected.

Good…It deserves em right.

Well, I hate to be picky here but Ebola is a river in Africa where the virus was first detected, that is actually how we used to name viruses and pathogens, by the location they arose from.

You have Ebola Zaire, Ebola Reston, and Ebola Sudan, all named by where they were first diagnosed. Reston, by the way, is Reston, Virginia. We actually had an Ebola event here but fortunately it did not spread to humans, it only killed chimps.

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That’s terrible.

If we were to rename Covid to Wuhan Flu, what would we call a different flu that came out of Wuhan? Wuhan Flu Two? The problem gets even worse if you use Chinese Flu.

No, just use the accepted scientific name so subsequent diseases can similarly be named appropriately and uniquely.

Yes. They want to make nice with Red China and Iran. Do what can to offend Russia.

I don’t quite understand their basic principle, but there it is.