State Dept. blows up G-7 statement

Your two arguments are rationalizations to cover up for the obvious fact that Donald Trump was playing to a base that likes to cast blame for bad things that happen to them.

It’s a grade school diplomacy argument.

China lied. Yes…they did.

We still had plenty of lead time to mount a more effective response and we botched it.

But if we “talk tough” and get people a target for their Two Minutes Hate, maybe we can gloss over that fact.

It’s the ONLY reason for using the term at this time.

Come on- let’s not dance around the truth of the matter, shall we?

If you were accepting of the truth of the matter, we wouldn’t be dancing around it. I’ve laid it out as plainly as possible.

You really didn’t

That describes this forum very well.


Calling it the “Chinese virus” is nothing more than lack-of-virtue signaling.

“Keep America a Laughing Stock”

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Your answer is grade school diplomacy? You’d like to go with that?

Okie dokie.

How is calling COVID-19 what it is defending china?


We saw what happened to the market when when went down…now you want to insult them further…

That’s really smart…like really

and sadly, 40% think it’s a good thing.

China & the WHO are Completely responsible for this worldwide pandemic.

They hid the severity of the outbreak and how, and how rapidly it’s spread for more than a month.

The WHO has been bought and paid for by the CCP.

China & the WHO Need to wear this outbreak and its consequences around their necks like a dead Albatross from now on

Now its who as well…

Just free fornall time I guess

It has been from the start.

When the who announce person to person spreading of the virus?

When did who declare a pandemic in Asia?

When did The Who declare Global pandemic?

Norms like MERS being middle eastern respriatory syndrome? or the 1918 flu that originated in spain being spanish flu? that actually is the convention not this new crap that china, boot lickers of china and the chinese dominated WHO, jack ass media and liberal trump haters are now pushing. Well screw them all. it’s the chinese virus. the wuhan virus. period.<-----period punctuated with a period for the slow)


“State Dept. blows up G-7 statement”

Well, as long as you are going to “blow up” something, a statement is as innocuous a thing there is to “blow up”.

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First it was china…

Now who

Soon the dems

Then the children.

They are coming…

Simply facts if you can’t handle it don’t read my post.

Dont tell me what to do. You arent my mother

I’ll do whatever the hell I want within the limits of the TOS.