Starting to See Why Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez So Frightens Conservatives

Why has Fox News picked out for daily attention and why are so many inaccurate ridiculing memes coming out from the right? Why is it so important to turn her into a figure of ridicule?

They perceive her as the weak link. The filly who wanders from the herd.

I agree with you. But that takes me back to the premise that started this thread. As I saw the right wing gang up on her, I saw that as the main driver of her celebrity, and while she has shown the ability to give as good as she gets on Twitter, I was unsure of what she had to offer.

Then, watching her five minutes during the Cohen hearing, I saw a an effective, disciplined mind, who did less grandstanding than almost anyone on either side of the aisle and so I started this thread to point that she appears to have some substance and staying power.

We’ve had a few hundred posts calling her names in the thread and four or five substantive accusations, each of which proved to either be a distortion of what she had said or a complete fabrication.

So I am more impressed with her than I was a week ago.

If you watched the hearing, did you think any Republican came across as more than a lightweight
 and just to be fair, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz came across to me as a total lightweight too.

Do you know what generally happens to the filly that wanders away from the herd?

Yes, I am well acquainted with that cliche.

Maybe this time, showing independence from the herd will mark this filly as creative capitalist who achieves a major breakthrough. Sticking to the herd never accomplished real change.

Cliché? Hardly.

Capitalist? She would be offended.

Ethanol is inefficient because it takes away from food production, which is obviously very necessary. If biodiesel can be produced to deal with it, and massproduced and cars outfitted in such a way to take it, that would be a possibility. How practical is another question.

Is having an affair with a porn star worse than having an affair with the chick across the street? Does what she did for a living matter? 50 percent of the population are screwing other people. What right do they have to judge?

There are sources of ethanol being researched that do not effect the food supply, but mainly those were just examples of the many dozens of possibilities with big money being spent on them. It’s all happening.

Might want to look at what’s going on in Brazil. You’ll have to go a bit deeper than the US press.

We’re talking the guy who had one affair just after his wife had a baby and another while he was running for president which he and his rubes concealed illegally to make sure it didn’t destroy his presidential campaign. So yeah, that is worse than the neighbor who has a quickie with the young girl across the street. Much more worse.

And that’s not counting all the other affairs and sexual misbehavior Trump has had in his history.

It’s only sex.

Thanks for reminding me. That was Ken Starr’s motto when he was Special Prosecutor, right?

No, the lib defense.

What has that to do with non food sources of ethanol being researched?

Ethanol as a fuel is a big government program there. They were bragging about it and the libs here jumped on the bandwagon.

El Rushbo was on that bandwagon once as well (when the left was ridiculing Dubya about switchgrass) when they first had big successes. It’s just a “green” fuel that may become a lot more important than it is now. Screwed up as we are, we are not Brazil.

IDK, ask them.

Are they inaccurate or are they only inaccurate because they are coming out from the right?

Important? Oh, no. Fun, yes She writes it for us.

The problem seems to be when you go above a certain percentage, suddenly there is a shortage of mechanics. :wink:

Engine mechanics because of the acidity in the ethanol?