Sour grapes for Kamala

It would make sense…I can see her coming down hard on these guys

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Whispers of Willie Brown…new Republican speak for the lie that Kamala Harris “slept her way to the top”.

Unlike Donald Trump’s trophy wife, Melania, who literally did sleep her way to the top, all while Donny was sleeping his way to the bottom, the top, the middle or wherever he was allowed.



I can see her coming down hard an anyone that needed the boom lowered on them and doing it with her oath to the Constitution remaining paramount rather than some sycophantic devotion to whoever the president might be that appointed her.

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Right but if they get trump out of office I dont want them to turn the other cheek because it’s over now like tusli would do

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I don’t have to skew anything.

I have predicted a Trump win in 2020 since 2016.

But still, I want to know what those two guys in Colorado have to say, they are never wrong.


No. I don’t think they will. But I don’t want some anti Trump pogrom to consume them unless it is anti Trump corruption that needs to die en masse!

They might…I could see warren

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I think the league of Democratic candidates this time around could be an excellent pool to draw water from for any Democratic administration - cabinet etc. should a Democrat win next November. My wife and I discuss this a lot.

Ha, she went anyway. We need someone with this type of indecision in charge of the nuclear codes!!! Arglebargle…

That isn’t indecision.

That is perfect decision making.

Yeah, how about that?

I agree with your wife :slight_smile:

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Principled. Oh yes, yes indeed.

She keeps proving that she is, that is how about that.

Thanks for letting me disabuse you of any confusion!

Infinitely better than pretending to be deserving of that award the way Trump was.

Turning that event into just another BS presidential campaign opportunity all while excluding all but 10 pre approved students from hearing him speak.

Don’t even begin to try to dis on Kamala Harris’s principles when you support that proven unprincipled president of ours.

But that’s not what you said earlier. Are you Kamalasplainin’?

Trump fans just never cease to amaze with their irrationality.

They keep touting the alleged virtues of the most unprincipled, most uninquisitive, most poorly read, most Constitutionally unaware, laziest, nastiest, most vulgar and vile president America has ever had.

What makes Trump fans so blind?

It just can’t be attributed to them all being stupid, or morons, cause that isn’t the case, at least not in areas outside politics, cause they do manage, most do, to chew gum and walk at the same time?

Is it some political willful denial or willful ignorance?

Is a few Federal Judgeships worth it to sell one’s soul and vote to that devil?

Is a permanent tax break for the rich worth it?

Is a few more miles of bollard style steel fencing in Colorado worth it?

Is just making the Left shake their heads in disbelief worth it?

Ah well, this Trumpism era will certainly give academia plenty of dissertation fodder.


This was a joy to read.

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It’s funny because you just got caught doing for Kamala what you accuse Trump supporters of doing for him. I think you call it party before country.

I want to know, for real, not the poster persona, did you ever think, “Damn, she screwed up by flip flopping on that.” Or “Jeeze, I thought she was going to make a stand and be different.”

It sure appeared that way in your first defense of her actions. Now, all you can talk about is Trump.

Guess you didn’t read your own linked source material.

Too bad.

It was quite enlightening.

I know what she changed her mind.

It made sense, and it showed good decision making.

Such a shame you might not have read it.