“Soul of the Nation”

So as soon as Biden said this, and a subset of GOP/MAGA people (predictably) were offended and scandalized with the vapors and concerned about being genocided, someone took five seconds to find a clip of Trump calling Democrats fascists in 2020.

It’s funny how few or no people made a big deal about it at the time, or much remembered it—probably because Democrats (used to being called Marxists, traitors, communists, and other stuff) didn’t bother whining much about it.


That’s it talk that ■■■■ about “Civil War”. It gives the maggotry an excuse to burn, loot and steal.
It won’t be a “civil war” but I’ll betcha a little street justice gets handed down.
Folks are getting tired of their normal lives being turned upside down and shaken down. The rhetoric being pimped by media clowns giving justification for violence is getting old and stale.

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Right? But Biden must play by the rules of being a uniter and can never say anything remotely “insulting” (really just a fair critique) or he is now branded as literally Satanic.



Don’t know about you, but I’m pretty numb to the outrageous things Trump says at this point.

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I said before, no one defines who and what I am but me. Especially, a blowhard politician. I’m secure enough to not let it affect me in the slightest.

Judges aint putting up with semi-fascism!

A New Mexico judge has ordered a Donald Trump-supporting county official to be immediately removed and barred from office for participating in the deadly Capitol insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021.

In his ruling on Tuesday, District Judge Francis Mathew said that Otero County Commissioner and “Cowboys for Trump” founder Couy Griffin is disqualified from holding office under the 14th Amendment because he engaged in the insurrection after taking an oath to support the Constitution as an “executive … officer” of the state.

Relative to what?

…but not secure enough to put your money where your mouth is? Got it…carry on. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass: :+1: :wink:

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Anything is possible. Even Guns and Roses reunited. We can have a gentleman’s bet though. 12 months is the term right?

This was also the dude that had to be ordered by the courts to certify the election results in Otero County this year.

I already have my precedent for how this kind of stuff will only become more commonplace.

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Just imagine if they were Hellenic columns then you guys would really lose it…

It’s horrible optics but the way. The planners need to be fired.

everyone in dc needs to be fired

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Ah, yes. I had forgotten Greek column gate.

Boy our friends on the right sure get worked up over stupid stuff, huh?)

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I think Biden is done being nice. I suspect they have some private polling that shows that they won’t lose votes because of it.


they sho do!


And they might energize turnout.

It’s a risk because they will definitely energize right wing turnout, but not necessarily a bad gamble.

But that’s the thing: they are already energized and going to turn out. They certainly can’t MAGA any harder.

That train is never late.

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:+1:t4: Love it.