“Soul of the Nation”



:+1:t4: Love it.

Judge agrees.

Oh don’t say that!

Those guards at the FEMA camps have to have something to do, don’t they?

Those camps aren’t going to fill them selves up…

Submit to your masters lib.

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I’m not going to be in the camps…

Because you submitted.

Of course… They promised me cookies, beer, and a live TV feed of you guys fighting each other in the camps every night… May the odds be ever in your favor.


You know what that makes you don’t you?


oh cool. are we back to internet tough guy role playing again?

You win.

I’m not sure I could possibly make up some thing as hilarious as the reality that you believe you live in.

I have no doubt you’re thinking of yourself as one of the guys in the burial pit in Red Dawn singing America the Beautiful loudly and off key, and I am Lane Smith collaborating with the enemy and getting my son killed because of it.

Scratch that… It would be funny… If it wasn’t so sad.


Why did you have that silly notion?

The hive is as one.


I was hoping…


His make believe-submission to a make-believe authority that is make-believe interning you in a make-believe camp…all to mock a badly askew world view…is weak?

Your master called us a direct threat to democracy…what are YOU going to do about it?

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I’m gonna grill me some juicy steaks tomorrow night and drink some beer.

What are you going to do?

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For you see, I also think MAGA Republicans are a threat to our democracy.

Now, I don’t know about you specifically, of course, but you are self identifying as such, so…

If you agree with Trump that he should be reinstated in the White House today and think pardons for all the violent criminals at Jan 6th is a good thing- you might be a MAGA republican.

but no one can quite explain adequately how….

it’s like, that’s the beginning and the end. it just has to be repeated