“Soul of the Nation”

yes i remember. only democrats can act like entitled ■■■■■■■ kings around the common scum

is that the one who he also called “fat?”

i think what biden needs but has never gotten was a good ass beating being the school.

his being an arrogant clueless coward is why has entrenched himself in the womb of mommy democrat govt for decades (which democrats adore, turns out). he would not have survived anywhere else

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this was made clear in the late 80’s when the then press (slightly less lunatic left than now) flushed that turd out of the pres race after catching him in lies and plagiarism.

democrats don’t care. they need bearded men in the ladies rooms. thats more impt


I hadn’t heard that so I googled it and this is what I found.


It appears that the MSM is spreading another false narrative for the sole intent of division, which is just another reason why I label them an enemy of the people.


he “bullies” ass trolls like jim acosta and other arrogant pressies who ask for it.

biden bullies people because they ask him tough questions and embarrass him by highlighting his incompetence.

just like real bullies do


it’s ok that biden calls young girls “lying dog faces” huh?

yeah that’s awesome. but fascists!


Sorry dude…you are wrong. The whole timeline if events is here. Your article is from February when it all started.

The duo played their last Florida Georgia Line show together at the Minnesota State Fair on August 31. “You’ve enabled us to chase this crazy dream of writing songs and playing shows and hoping somebody will show up to listen, so thank you, guys. It means the world to us,” Tyler told the crowd, calling the moment “the closing of an incredible, incredible chapter” for himself and Brian. “It’s very exciting for us to look at what’s ahead, see what’s next. And the next chapter ahead is very exciting, but we wanna celebrate this chapter with you guys.”

Talk to Biden…we should not roll over for them. Stop stipulating to those left wing radicals

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and your view on “fascists?”

not so blithely sarcastic i bet

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By focusing on Trumpism in his speech, he has raised Trump’s profile as head of the party. He may be popular amongst his 5th ave red meat base, but he is deeply unpopular to most of the country. That helps democrats election chances in November. So, I’d say Biden is very politically savvy to make this election yet again about Trump, something most GOP strategists hate.

by what account?

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I met a guy once.

Semi fascist was nice. Charming. Polite.

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If you had met Peter Thiel, you wouldn’t forget it.

And I spent a year and a half working with Palantir folks…they are a breed apart.

They are very ambivalent as to how far they will go and what tactics they’ll use to get and share the data they collect.

And Thiel’s beliefs in a nutshell (there are pass through links to more of his beliefs).

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Mike Huckabee seems to be of the opinion that Satan himself must have written the Biden speech. :smile:

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It took 50 years…we now have Joseph Robinette Biden’s defining political moment!!


just imagine the baby ninny media if any republican had these optics


“I don’t know after that what the plan is,” Brian admitted in May 2022 about their future as a band post-summer tour. “It’s not clear to me. At the end of the day, we’re brothers, so we’ll always have each other‘s back and support, and that’s what it should be.”

Now…do you wanna bet, going forward whether or not they’ll play together? How about for a good bottle of rye? Let’s also give it an agreed timespan of 12 months…you in? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass: